LeoVegas Group to open state-of-the-art technology center at Mindspace Koszyki
LeoVegas Group, the Swedish mobile gaming company, is opening its first office in Warsaw at Mindspace Koszyki, the boutique flex office provider in the heart of the city. The company joined Mindspace to provide an office solution for 60 employees that will work under a hybrid work model.
The LeoVegas Group (NASDAQ:LEO.ST) is a leading international mobile gaming operator with some of the best-known brands in its portfolio, offering award-winning online casino and sports betting services to players around the world. The new Warsaw tech hub is a key part of the group’s strategy to remain at the forefront of new technology and innovation in product, personalisation and payments. LeoVegas Group currently employs over 850 people and intends to significantly grow its team across the world. In addition to current recruitment efforts in Sweden, the UK and the Netherlands, the group is building a team of 60 developers in Warsaw.
Mindspace offers a wide array of hybrid office solutions, enabling companies to easily manage split teams and their dynamic and flexible work schedules. Moreover, as Mindspace members, LeoVegas Group employees will be able to enjoy the numerous amenities and benefits - at no additional cost - to the more than 30 Mindspace locations across Europe, the United States and Israel.
“I am truly looking forward to our collaboration with the LeoVegas Group,” said Michał Kwinta, City Lead Poland at Mindspace. “We’re honored that the LeoVegas Group chose Mindspace Koszyki as the home-base for their Polish offices. Our central location in Warsaw, flexible lease, unique design, and highest level of service are just a few of the factors that influenced their decision to lease offices with us. It’s clear that companies are eager to see their employees in the office again as Mindspace Koszyki is at more than 95% occupancy and we have been seeing a continued high interest from SMBs and large enterprises.”
Magnus Gagnelid, Project Coordinator at LeoVegas Group, said: “We are very happy to launch our new hub in Warsaw. It is a key part of our strategy to stay right at the forefront of innovation, new product development, and payments, while offering a highly personalised experience to our customers. Our new Warsaw tech hub at Mindspace Koszyki will kickstart this next phase of development!”
Recently, several of the Mindspace Koszyki portfolio companies have decided to expand their office space: Billennium, an international IT company, now has an office for 81 people (previously 65), and the global payments operator Adyen has expanded its space by 56 workstations (previously it has 20 workstations).
Given this increased interest and success of the location, the global flex operator decided to expand its Warsaw location and to lease additional space, dedicated to events and functions at Hala Koszyki, on the first floor of the facility.
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