Komunikaty PR

More companies choose LIXA E

2024-02-22  |  10:05
Biuro prasowe
Do pobrania LIXA E ( 0.25 MB )

A leading manufacturer of aluminum systems in Europe, Aluprof SA, has joined the tenant roster in the LIXA E building. The 340 m2 of modern space located on the ground floor of the building will house the company’s office and Aluprof’s first showroom in Warsaw. The LIXA E building has also been chosen by the medical communications agency Unique Work for its new headquarters. The company has leased nearly 285 m2 of space, also on the ground floor. Next to the company’s office, there will be a state-of-the-art recording studio. The newest office building of Yareal Polska’s flagship investment is already more than 70% commercialized.

The LIXA E office building was erected as part of an office campus near the Daszyński Roundabout in Warsaw. It was developed on the west side of the public walkway LIXA City Gardens, tying together the entire LIXA complex, which will ultimately consist of five buildings with a total area of 77,000 m2. The LIXA E building has delivered nearly 18,000 m2 of modern office space to the Warsaw market.

“We are very pleased to have entered into more agreements at LIXA E and are happy to welcome Aluprof SA and Unique Work among the tenants of our office project. These companies being attracted to LIXA and their planned space arrangements depict perfectly well the multi-functionality of our complex. Very well-connected, with excellent visitor accessibility and exposure, it is an ideal location not only for traditional offices, but also for spaces such as a showroom or recording studio. I am confident that our new tenants will appreciate the comfortable environment offered by LIXA for business development,” said Marta Zawadzka, Leasing Director at Yareal Polska.

Aluprof SA is part of Grupa Kęty SA. The company is one of the leading manufacturers of aluminum systems in Europe. It has subsidiaries in several European countries, as well as in the United States. With more than 70 years of experience, Aluprof SA has continuously been accommodating more than 1,900 clients from various industries.

The ground floor of LIXA E will be home to Aluprof SA’s office and the first Warsaw showroom for this recognized brand. It will be a place where architects, manufacturers and clients alike will have the opportunity to see Aluprof products in attractive arrangements. The lease agreement for 340 m2 of space in the LIXA E office building was signed for seven years. Brookfield Partners advised the tenant in the negotiation process.

The leading medical communications agency Unique Work has also chosen LIXA E. The company has many years of market experience and specializes in comprehensive marketing services for entities in the medical, pharmaceutical or Healthcare & Beauty sectors.

Unique Work has leased premises of 285 m2 in area at LIXA. They will house the company’s office and a state-of-the-art recording studio. Unique Work was advised in the negotiations with Yareal Polska by Patron Brokers, and the lease agreement was entered into for five years.

The LIXA E building was delivered in January 2024; like the remaining parts of the complex, it was completed in accordance with a sustainability strategy that puts ESG standards at the forefront. During the construction of the office building, only electricity from renewable sources (onshore wind farms) was used. The same sources of energy will power the building during its operation later on. Among others, low-carbon concrete for the entire structure as well as recycled low-carbon aluminum on the façades of the complex were used. In addition, the office building is designed with openable windows, which will reduce the use of air conditioning while still providing fresh air; high-speed energy recovery passenger lifts were installed inside the building, along with modern LED lighting. Rainwater will be collected to irrigate shrubs, perennials and lawns in public gardens. An ornamental pond will be created in the courtyard, where water mist will be sprayed on hot days.

The LIXA office campus is being developed in stages in the Warsaw business hub in the Wola district near the city centre, just a short walking distance from the Rondo Daszyńskiego metro station. The campus was designed by the renowned architectural studio HRA Architekci. Both the existing buildings and the last LIXA D office building under construction are certified under the BREEAM green building system, with an Excellent rating. In addition, the LIXA development was awarded the WELL Health-Safety certificate, confirming its high standard of safety procedures.

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