Komunikaty PR

Seargin leases space in Garnizon

2024-08-21  |  01:00
Biuro prasowe
Iwona Wiśniewska - Lopez
Prestige PR

Włodarzewska 81C lok 81
02-393 Warszawa
i.wisniewska|prestigepr.pl| |i.wisniewska|prestigepr.pl
508 927 958

Seargin, an international technology and consulting company, has leased over 1900 sq m. in the Garnizon Hiro office building in Gdansk. Walter Herz company represented the tenant in the leasing and negotiation process.

Seargin's expansion in the mixed-use Garnizon complex, owned by the Hossa Investment Group, where it previously occupied over half the space, was driven by the rapid pace of its business growth. The space in the current headquarters, has been arranged according to ESG principles and the idea of reducing the carbon footprint. The larger space has resulted in increased employee comfort, the ability to organize international meetings, and an improved standard of work.

Since 2014, Seargin has been providing IT and engineering services to clients worldwide. The company is present in 50 countries and employs over 650 people. The group has branches in the USA, the UK, Switzerland, Spain, Germany, Malaysia, and Hungary. It operates 5 research and development centers (Centers of Excellence). From 2020 to 2022, it was ranked in the FT1000 by Financial Times in the category of Europe’s Fastest Growing Companies. And this year, once again, it was included in the TOP200 Computerworld ranking—the most important report on the ICT market and key suppliers in Poland.

The company specializes in technology consulting services in the areas of SAP, ServiceNow, Workday, and Salesforce, as well as delivering advanced high-tech industrial solutions such as Digital Twins, Machine Vision, Customized Inspection Systems, Application Managed Services, Cybersecurity, and Artificial Intelligence.

Seargin creates innovative technological solutions for the space industry, supports scientists in developing cancer treatments, provides advanced engineering and IT services for the industrial sector. It develops dedicated solutions for control and monitoring systems, machine vision, as well as in the areas of cyber security and artificial intelligence development.

-The need for new space was related to the evolution of Seargin's work system as it rapidly developed. It is worth mentioning that taking over the office did not involve significant costs. The modernization of the space largely utilized existing finishing elements, and the thoughtful layout ensured high functionality of the office. The conclusion of the leasing process brought a satisfactory result for both parties, which particularly pleases us given the limited timeframe we were working within - said Jaroslaw Zdzitowiecki, Associate Partner/Head of Tricity at Walter Herz.

Last year, Seargin opened offices in London, Madrid, Berlin, and New York. The company is growing rapidly and does not rule out additional locations in the future, both in Europe and globally.

The six-storey Garnizon Hiro office building is located on Chrzanowskiego Street in the western part of Gdansk. The prestigious building is distinguished by its impressive glazing on the façade with a regular division. The office building offers approximately 6,000 sq m. of lease space and over 150 underground parking spaces. It is situated in the office zone of the mixed-use Garnizon complex, which provides a friendly, park-like atmosphere and urban architecture distinct from typical office complexes.

Hiro is located near the main transport arteries of the Wrzeszcz district – Zołnierzy Wyklętych Avenue and Grunwaldzka Avenue. It takes about 10 minutes by car to reach the main railway station in Gdansk and less than 15 minutes to reach the airport.

The 25-hectare area where the Garnizon complex is located features apartment and loft buildings, as well as office, service, and retail facilities, along with an extensive parking infrastructure with around 1,000 parking spaces. The mixed-use space is provided by both new buildings and restored historic ones. The project implemented an original architectural concept, which allowed for the creation of a new, unique urban space.

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Źródło informacji: Prestige PR
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