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Street restaurant open at LIXA C

2023-09-13  |  10:05
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Diverse cuisine, dishes combining unique flavours and an extraordinary automotive design – these features make a difference for the Street restaurant, recently opened in the LIXA office complex near the Daszyński Roundabout in Warsaw. The restaurant occupies 468 sqm. of space on the ground floor of the LIXA C building, facing the publicly accessible pedestrian arcade located between Kasprzaka and Giełdowa streets. This is another restaurant operating as part of the LIXA City Gardens retail concept, which has expanded the food and beverage offering both in the LIXA complex itself and in the immediate vicinity.

Street is a restaurant brand that has been present in the food and beverage market for nearly 20 years, currently operating four restaurants in Warsaw office buildings and shopping malls. The first restaurant under the Street brand was opened in 2004. The name Street is a term used for night racing, and the restaurant was intended to be a place for sharing a passion for autosports and great food. Street restaurants are especially known for their varied, signature menus, which are a compilation of popular international dishes. The restaurants’ chefs have combined their knowledge and expertise to create recipes of favourite European, American, Mexican and traditionally Polish dishes.

The fascination with all things related to the automotive world is also perfectly evident in the colour, style, and arrangement of the Street restaurant at LIXA C. The place showcases, among other things, graphics of the most characteristic elements of cars, lamps referring to engine pistons and materials used to detail racing cars. Street has taken up 468 sqm. of modern service space, located on the ground floor of the LIXA C building. The restaurant space includes a VIP area that can accommodate up to 60 guests, which makes it an ideal venue for all kinds of meetings and special events. Street restaurant at LIXA also boasts an outdoor garden facing directly onto the LIXA City Gardens city passage.

“The choice of a restaurant for an office complex is always a major challenge for the investor. Food and beverage offering matched to the needs and expectations of employees and visitors alike significantly increases the overall attractiveness of the building. Especially the new generation of employees expects office complexes to offer not only comfortable conditions for performing their duties, but also attractive opportunities for making the most of their leisure time and meeting important everyday needs. I can say with confidence that that Street’s rich offering will respond perfectly to these expectations, and the restaurant will become a must-visit place for both those working at the LIXA campus and for our guests. I am very pleased with this cooperation and with the fact that it is the Street that has become the first culinary place in our new pedestrian arcade which will feature numerous retail and dining establishments as part of the LIXA City Gardens concept,” said Marta Zawadzka, Leasing Director at Yareal Polska.

“I am really glad that our newest restaurant has been set up in the beautiful LIXA complex. We create places with our guests and their needs in mind, and we have come across the same energy in the complex developed by Yareal Polska – located in the very heart of Warsaw, but immersed in greenery and tranquillity. The new Street restaurant is not just another spot on the culinary map of Warsaw, but first of all a space where campus employees and their guests can take a break from their daily routine and relax in a casual atmosphere. By introducing a lunch offering tailored specifically for office employees in the area, we want to create a different menu every day, in line with seasonally available ingredients, along with our speedy service. After hours, all guests are welcome to join the traditional Street’s After Office, during which they can enjoy several promotions, including the most famous Happy Hours. Thanks to the unique layout of the place, we were able to arrange the space in such a way as to accommodate multi-person bookings with up to 50 people sitting together, at one table. We know how important this has been for clients holding events and meetings at our restaurants. We also have a glamorous VIP room, where we invite guests expecting a more discreet atmosphere at their events. We have top-of-the-line catering equipment to prepare buffets in our restaurant as well as at the clients’ premises, and we are excited about upcoming requests for cooperation. It is with pride that we have opened in the LIXA City Gardens space a concept that guests have been returning to for years, where you can hold a corporate meeting in a convivial atmosphere and feel the invigorating climate of neon lights and street racing from the 2000s,” commented Magdalena Lewicka, Managing Partner at Street restaurant.

The lease agreement for the restaurant space was signed for 10 years, and the JLL team, represented by Anna Wdowiak, took part in the negotiations.

The LIXA C office building offering 20,000 sqm. is the third of the buildings commissioned as part of Yareal’s largest office project, that is the LIXA campus, designed by the renowned HRA Architekci studio, which is being developed in phases in the business centre of Warsaw, in the Wola district, located within walking distance from the Daszyńskiego Roundabout metro station.

LIXA C and other parts of the complex have been built in line with the sustainable development strategy of Yareal Polska with the main focus on ESG standards. The building has been BREEAM certified at the Excellent level. The investment developed in accordance with the requirements and principles of a contemporary green building features numerous environmentally friendly solutions and technologies, among others, a bicycle room and changing rooms with showers for cyclists and employees exercising before work. LIXA C was awarded WELL Health-Safety certification, which is a confirmation of the high standard of safety procedures employed within the building.

At present, the final phase of the development is being completed, that is LIXA D and LIXA E office buildings, which will offer a total of more than 28,000 sqm. of leasable space and will be ready to welcome tenants in Q2 and Q1 of 2024, respectively. This phase of the investment project will also see the completion of the publicly accessible 150-metre pedestrian arcade between Kasprzaka and Giełdowa streets. Once the remaining two buildings are completed, LIXA will form a complex of five buildings with a total area of 77,000 sqm.

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