Tenants make a bet on Konstruktorska Business Center!
Kanał Sportowy, the most dynamically growing sports platform in Poland, has joined the group of tenants of Konstruktorska Business Center in Warsaw. The company occupies 512 sqm. of modern space located on the ground floor of the building belonging to Golden Star Group. Furthermore, one of the largest tenants has decided to extend its lease at Konstruktorska Business Center and stay in the building for the next few years. Offices of this global company are located on a total of 11,347 sqm. of space on several floors of the Warsaw complex.
Kanał Sportowy is the most popular online sports channel in Poland. It currently broadcasts several dozen programmes a week, most of them live. The channel was established in March 2020. Its owners and main authors are Michał Pol, Krzysztof Stanowski, Mateusz Borek and Tomasz Smokowski, with Maciej Sawicki acting as the company’s president since September 2021. At present, Kanał Sportowy has 879,000 subscribers and has published more than 2,500 different materials, which have been watched by more than 400 million viewers. In addition, the company offers Kanał Sportowy Extra, with behind-the-scenes reports, highlights of its programmes and additional content. As many as 206,000 Internet users have subscribed to it, and just over 300 published materials have been watched by a total of 43 million people.
Kanał Sportowy moved to Konstruktorska Business Center in July 2022. Offices and the recording studio were arranged on 512 sqm. on the ground floor of the building. The tenant was represented by CBRE in the negotiation process.
Moreover, a global leader in the FMCG sector, has decided to extend the lease agreement in Konstruktorska Business Center. This company has been a tenant of Konstruktorska Business Center since 2013. Offices of one of the largest tenants of the building occupy a total of 11,347 sqm. and are located on the 1st, 4th and 5th floors of the Konstruktorska Business Center. The tenant was represented by JLL in the negotiation process.
‘I am very happy to become a partner of Kanał Sportowy. The presence of such a dynamically developing company, which is recognised by millions of sports fans in Poland, is a true honour for our building. It is also an excellent proof of the quality of Konstruktorska Business Center, the building’s offer and its convenient location. I believe that the modern space in Konstruktorska Business Center will contribute to the further development of Kanał Sportowy and the expansion of its operations in line with the company’s strategy.
We are also happy to meet the expectations of our current contractors and will have the pleasure of continuing to work with one of them in the years to come. Konstruktorska Business Center is not only a top-quality office space. It is also a green work environment with lots of plants and modern technology. I am confident that the conditions that we have created will allow our tenant to successfully achieve all of its business goals and mission.’ said Antonio Pomes, Head of Asset Management at Golden Star Estate.
Konstruktorska Business Center is a modern class A office building with a total leasable area of 49,500 sqm., located in the heart of the Mokotów business district. The seven-story building offers the largest floor areas in the CEE region with 7,000 sqm. per floor, providing tenants with full flexibility in arranging their workspace in an ideal way to accommodate their requirements for various sizes ranges combined with efficiency and energy savings confirmed by the BREEAM certificate on a “Very Good” level.
Konstruktorska Business Center has 4 different entries and boasts two internal recreation courtyards with an area of 3,200 sqm. – green spaces for relaxation and meetings, exceptionally popular with employees, and 1,050 parking spaces in the underground garage, cycling and locker rooms for cyclists. A very good location enables quick access by both public transport (buses and trams) and own means of transport. The building is located about 15 minutes by car from the centre of Warsaw and about 10 minutes from the Warsaw Chopin Airport.
Numerous advantages of Konstruktorska Business Center have been appreciated by renowned Polish and international companies enjoying the quality of the property. Apart from Kanał Sportowy, the tenants of the building also include i.a. MoneyGram, P&G or Emerson
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