Ukrainian state office opens a branch in Blue Office
Prestige PR
Włodarzewska 81C lok 81
02-393 Warszawa
i.wisniewska|| |i.wisniewska|
508 927 958
Polish branch of Document State Enterprise has leased over 600 sq m. of office space in the Blue Office complex, located on the premises of Blue City Shopping Center at Aleje Jerozolimskie Street in Warsaw.
The institution is responsible for updating documents and issuing passports to Ukrainian citizens staying in Poland, in cooperation with the administration in Kiev. In order to streamline the process of submitting and collecting documents, the employees of the facility will provide service to customers, both in the new office, as well as external stands located near the building. Additionally, the facility will be accessible directly from the +2 level of the Blue City shopping center.
- The client wanted to quickly carry out the lease process. Document State Enterprise was looking for an open space in order to establish a branch in Poland. The layout needed to be suitable for a traditional passport office. In the selected open space, the institution planned to arrange convenient customer service stations and, among others, photo booths. Due to the nature of the business, the client wanted not only high-quality office space, but also safe, monitored parking spaces for customers- says Tomasz Medygrał, Associate Director at Walter Herz.
- We are fully satisfied with the choice of location for the branch that we have launched in Warsaw. The speedy lease process was possible thanks to the professionalism of Walter Herz advisors and the extraordinary flexibility of the landlord. In just four weeks from the beginning of the search, we managed to sign a lease agreement, including collecting and delivering documentation that adequately secures the contract. The high standard of the space and the surroundings of Blue Office, enabling direct access to a wide range of services and retail, as well as transportation means that we can offer good working conditions and high level of service - informs Liubov Chervinska, the representative of the Polish branch of Document State Enterprise.
- We are glad that another foreign entity joined the group of the Blue Office tenants. We have provided the institution with a high-quality, functional space with an above-standard height of 4.6 meters, which provides the company's employees and clients with convenient access and communication. Blue Office is an office building that guarantees optimal conditions for tenants who value comfortable and modern office space, as well as sustainable development in construction. It is with great satisfaction that we observe how our offices are gaining more and more recognition in Warsaw - says Ron Melchet from Blue Office.
The five-storey Blue Office office building is located at 179 Aleje Jerozolimskie Street in Warsaw, within the Blue City complex. The technologically advanced office building offers 32 thousand sq m. of modern space. The building provides a very friendly working environment, thanks to its location in the immediate vicinity of Blue City, one of the largest shopping centers in Warsaw. People working in Blue Office have a full range of services on site, including numerous restaurants and cafes, fitness club, cinema, medical center, shops, supermarket, banks, post office and entertainment. They can, among others, take advantage of many discounts offered as part of loyalty programs initiated by food and service establishments, as well as shops located in Blue City.
Blue Office tenants also have a special leisure zone with natural plants and a chill-out room with many interesting amenities at their disposal. The residents and guests of the building have access to a free car park and can use the bicycle infrastructure, as well as space for organizing corporate events.
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