Walter Herz: Emilia Legierska has been appointed as a new director
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Emilia Legierska has taken the position of Transaction Director at Walter Herz. She will manage the company's branch in Cracow and will be involved in the development of consulting services in the south of Poland
Emilia will oversee the company's operations in the regional markets in the southern part of the country. She will be responsible for developing and building relationships with clients, and expanding the team of advisors at the Walter Herz branch in Cracow. In addition, her new role will include participating in the company's key projects and supporting the implementation of processes with her knowledge and experience.
Emilia Legierska joined Walter Herz in 2016. She has many years of experience in working with entities from the commercial real estate market across Poland. Emilia specializes in comprehensive consulting provided for tenants, developers and owners of commercial space, as well as investor services in the regions. She consistently developed her professional career, starting from junior positions, developing skills through subsequent promotions, including the position of Regional Markets Coordinator, which she took up two years ago, to the director level.
She has advised companies from the IT and e-commerce sectors, as well as state-owned companies and state administration institutions operating across the country. She worked, among others for RTB House, NFZ, E.ON, Smeg. Emilia also participated in projects related to comprehensive consulting for brands such as InPost, Xceedance Consulting, Saba Software, Polska Press, zooplus, Andersen and Pragmatic Coders.
- Working for Walter Herz for almost 7 years, has given me the opportunity to develop and gain knowledge about the commercial real estate market in Poland. I am grateful for the freedom of action that the company gives me and for the influence on the direction of the organization's development. I am glad that I will still be able to participate in building the company's structures and developing the client portfolio, working in such a great team and atmosphere - says Emilia Legierska, Transaction Director at Walter Herz.
- Emilia’s comprehensive knowledge of the real estate market and professionalism in working with clients truly stands out. She has extensive analytical skills, which are priceless in investment consulting and implementation of complex processes that connect, among others, financial and legal negotiations, as well as negotiations allowing for optimization of construction costs - says Mateusz Strzelecki, Partner, Head of Tenant Representation at Walter Herz. - I am convinced that Emilia will play a leading role in creating modern models of long-term customer service and implementing solutions that will be the most optimal in the rapidly changing business conditions. It was a great pleasure for me to expand the regional Tenant Representation department of Walter Herz with leaders such as Emilia – adds Mateusz Strzelecki.
Last year, Emilia Legierska was nominated by Walter Herz for Top Woman in Real Estate mentoring program. The participants are emerging real estate market talents in Poland. - Emilia's application to the program was a way to distinguish her exceptional skills and great commitment. Throughout all the years of her work in the company, she showed a great interest in development and gaining knowledge. Almost every year, she was promoted to the next position, always exceeding the goals set for her. In a short time, she managed to double the results of the Cracow branch of the company. The completed transactions and the assessment of clients with whom she is building long-term relationships, are the most evident of Emilia's skills – says Magdalena Zagrodnik, Partner, Head of HR at Walter Herz.
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