Komunikaty PR

Walter Herz’s Tenant Academy returns with on-site training

2022-11-25  |  01:00
Biuro prasowe
Iwona Wiśniewska - Lopez
Prestige PR

Włodarzewska 81C lok 81
02-393 Warszawa
i.wisniewska|prestigepr.pl| |i.wisniewska|prestigepr.pl
508 927 958

Walter Herz company, a leader in the commercial real estate market, is organizing another event as part of its proprietary project - Tenant Academy.

This is the 6th edition of Walter Herz’s Tenant Academy, which so far had over 40 meetings held on-site and webinars. This year, the first on-site event will be organized in Cracow. The meeting is devoted to the Cracow office market and ways to create attractive workspace for employees in the current, demanding business environment.

The event will take place on November 29th, 2022, in Fabryczna Office Park complex located at 18 Aleja Pokoju Street in the center of Cracow.

The Academy will be hosted by the representatives of Walter Herz, Reesco, and Nowy Styl, and representatives of Cracow business scene from Mercator Medical and zooplus will take part in the discussion panel. Participants can expect a solid dose of practical knowledge about new trends in design of office spaces. The meeting will include a premiere of report summarizing the current situation on the office market in Cracow with, among others, scheduled office projects in Cracow. After the training, participants will be able to take part in networking and exchanging views.

- This event is extremely important to us, because it will be the first Tenant Academy held on-site after a long break caused by the pandemic. The idea behind our project is business meetings organized live, which enable participants to have a direct dialogue, we are now coming back to - says Emilia Legierska, Transaction Director at Walter Herz.

– The meeting will be moderated by Walter Herz office market experts, while presentation as well as in the discussion panel will be mainly hosted by practitioners from Reesco (fit - out) and Nowy Styl (office furniture) who will present the latest case study and current workspace interior design projects and raise issues related to construction costs and project management. While business representatives will talk about the process of changing the office and share their experience and recommendations. In this difficult time for business, we would especially like to support companies with our knowledge and experience, because we see how much they need proper preparation for the ongoing economic changes - says Kamil Kowalewski from Walter Herz.

During the training, the speakers will share their knowledge about the current situation on the Cracow office market, projects implemented in this sector and investments prepared for construction in Cracow. They will give advice on how to negotiate the terms of lease contracts and how to deal with the rising costs of renting and fitting out offices. They will talk about the main factors currently determining the choice of location, and will also indicate the latest trends in design and organization of workplaces.

Walter Herz encourages representatives of companies, not only from Cracow, but the whole country, to participate in the Tenant Academy. As well as tenants and people interested in issues related to the process of leasing office space and its design, as well as directions of development of the office market in Poland.

The training will take place in one of the most interesting office locations in Cracow. In one of the buildings of Fabryczna Office Park complex, where prestigious offices with a view of the mountains and the Wawel Castle, located on the 9th floor, will be made available by the leading flexible space operator on the Polish market - LOFTMILL.

Więcej informacji
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Źródło informacji: Prestige PR
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