Renovation of the Louvre Hotels Group flagship hotel in the heart of the Polish
Occupying a building located in the Mirów neighbourhood of the Polish capital city, Golden Tulip Warsaw Centre is one of the best-placed Louvre Hotels Group operations in the country. Soon, the four-star hotel will welcome its guests in completely new interiors that will create – in line with the philosophy of the Golden Tulip brand – a space where work and play go hand in hand.
Thanks to its location at the intersection of the Towarowa Street and the Jerusalem Avenue, Golden Tulip Warsaw Centre is a great choice for guests who expect easy access to the most important points on the business and cultural map of Warsaw. Great location is not the only advantage of the hotel. It boasts 143 rooms, including standard rooms, executive rooms with a higher standard and an apartment designed for the most demanding guests. The accommodations are complemented by a public space composed of an open lobby with a bar, hotel restaurant, glass-roofed patio, breakfast area and a wellness zone with a sauna and a fitness room. The hotel also features a conference and banquet centre capable of hosting events for up to 300 people.
Renovation works currently underway cover the entire facility. They will result in modern interiors combining industrial materials, such as raw brick and steel, with elegant wooden finishes and copper details. The décor will be complemented by diffused lighting and minimalist furniture in shades of brown, green and navy blue. All in all the Golden Tulip Warsaw Centre hotel will take on the character of a spacious yet cosy loft.
The hotel rooms were designed with functionality and good use of space in mind. The main part of each room, composed of a sleeping area, lounge area and a workstation, is separated from the section housing the bathroom, toilet and the dressing room by an elegant partition structure. The public areas of the hotel offer a sunny space designed for networking and community building. High, bright interiors of the lobby, restaurant and the glass-roofed patio aim at encouraging the guests to work and play together. Those, however, who value peace and quiet will easily find a cosy corner to enjoy privacy while remaining among people.
– Thanks to the investment currently underway, we want Golden Tulip Warsaw Centre to become a real showcase of our flagship brand in the heart of Warsaw. The new designs for rooms, common areas and the conference and banquet centre have been prepared in accordance with the Golden Tulip philosophy. All interiors will therefore offer our guests a space where work and play combine in perfect harmony. Be it during their work trips or city breaks, or when organizing business meetings, team-building get-togethers or other events, I’m convinced that all guests of the Golden Tulip Warsaw Centre hotel will discover the full meaning of our brand slogan: “Playtime. Anytime”, according to which we are carrying out this project – says François Delattre, Director Integration Management, responsible for operational supervision over the hotels of the Louvre Hotels Group in Poland and Germany.
Golden Tulip Warsaw Centre is scheduled to re-open in 2021.
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