Pratia Clinical Research Network joins IQVIA’s Prime Site Network
Pratia, a clinical research network operating across seven European countries, has been awarded Prime
Site designation by IQVIA, a leading global provider of advanced analytics, technology solutions and
clinical research services to the pharmaceutical and broader life sciences industry. Pratia has worked
closely with IQVIA since 2014 to facilitate more equitable access to healthcare and improve the quality of
life and safety of patients.
The IQVIA Prime Site program provides long-term strategic collaboration with hospitals characterized by
clinical and technological excellence. Clinical trials that take place in the Prime Site Network adhere to
the highest international ethical and regulatory standards.
In the last three years, the collaboration between Pratia and IQVIA has included 83 studies, with
approximately 30 sites actively participating. It has played a pivotal role in supporting sponsors in their
journey to bring cutting-edge treatments to patients in need, contributing to the development and
approval of innovative medicines and therapies across various therapeutic areas. This collaboration will
bring Pratia further innovative clinical research programs, for the benefit of patients, researchers and the
national healthcare systems.
“This collaboration represents a significant milestone for us, as it enables us to offer new treatments
through clinical research as a care option for our patients, but also allows us to further drive technological advancements in the industry. IQVIA's renowned expertise in technology complements Pratia's long-
standing commitment to leveraging technology as a key driver for the future. By joining forces, we are better positioned to expedite the delivery of new treatments and enhance patient care and outcomes.”
said Tomek Dabrowski, Chief Executive Officer, Pratia.
“The decision to award the status of IQVIA Prime Site to Pratia is in recognition of the long history of
close collaboration and commitment to our patients and our shared customers. Moving forward, we will
continue to evolve and deepen our relationship to bring improved healthcare outcomes to our patients.”
stated Dean Summerfield, Senior Vice President, Real-World and Commercial Solutions, EMEA, IQVIA.
About Pratia
Pratia is the largest Oncology Research Platform in the world, with a strong presence in seven European
countries. Since inception in 2014, we've completed more than 3,000 clinical trials, showing our deep
experience and dedication to patients and medical research. But we're not just about oncology. We also
work in a wide range of other areas, covering 85% of all types of medical research. Each year, we run
more than 600 studies, making us a go-to choice for patients and sponsors for many different kinds of
clinical trials. We use top-notch technology to make sure our data is reliable and easy to use. Our data
warehouse and technology platforms are built to handle lots of different types of information, helping us
meet the needs of various clients. Our flexible approach lets us handle all kinds of clinical trials, from
start to finish. This includes both traditional and more modern types of studies, giving us the ability to
adapt to different needs and situations and gives our patients access to innovative therapies.
IQVIA (NYSE:IQV) is a leading global provider of advanced analytics, technology solutions, and clinical
research services to the life sciences industry. IQVIA creates intelligent connections across all aspects of
healthcare through its analytics, transformative technology, big data resources and extensive domain
expertise. IQVIA Connected IntelligenceTM delivers powerful insights with speed and agility — enabling
customers to accelerate the clinical development and commercialization of innovative medical treatments that improve healthcare outcomes for patients. With approximately 87,000 employees, IQVIA conducts
operations in more than 100 countries.
IQVIA is a global leader in protecting individual patient privacy. The company uses a wide variety of
privacy-enhancing technologies and safeguards to protect individual privacy while generating and
analyzing information on a scale that helps healthcare stakeholders identify disease patterns and
correlate with the precise treatment path and therapy needed for better outcomes. IQVIA’s insights and
execution capabilities help biotech, medical device and pharmaceutical companies, medical researchers,
government agencies, payers and other healthcare stakeholders tap into a deeper understanding of
diseases, human behaviors and scientific advances, in an effort to advance their path toward cures. To
learn more, visit
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