Komunikaty PR

CA Immo: The ENEL-MED S.A. opens a medical centre in the Warsaw Spire C

2021-11-29  |  15:00
Biuro prasowe


  • CA Immo has signed a lease agreement with enel-med, which decided to open its medical facility on the ground floor of the Warsaw Spire C office building.
  • The term of the lease is 10 years.
  • As a result of the transaction, the commercialization level of Warsaw Spire C is 92 %.


Warsaw/Vienna. CA Immo has signed a new lease agreement in the Warsaw Spire C office building. Joining its other tenants is enel-med, whose medical centre, comprising a multidisciplinary specialist outpatient clinic and a dental clinic, will occupy 540 m2. The agreement was signed for a period of 10 years. The opening of the facility is scheduled for the second half of 2022.

The ENEL-MED S.A. Medical Centre was established in 1993 and offers a wide range of medical services throughout Poland. Since 2011, the company has been the largest company with Polish capital listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. The group includes multi-profile outpatient clinics, hospital, diagnostic imaging departments, specialist outpatient clinics: dental, aesthetic medicine and sports medicine, as well as a care and rehabilitation centre. The enel-med medical centre in Warsaw Spire C will be the 19th facility in Warsaw and the 35th in Poland on the date of its scheduled opening. The branch, which will occupy 540 m2 of office space, will consist of a dental clinic and a specialist outpatient clinic for children and adults; within the clinic, patients will be able to take advantage of consultations with medical professionals, imaging diagnosis and vaccination and blood sample collection services. There will be a total of 10 doctor’s offices and a free car park available for patients.

‘I am truly satisfied with the choice of Warsaw Spire C by enel-med for the seat of its next facility. The medical centre will be exceptionally useful for both the users of our office building and the local residents. It is worth noting that this agreement was concluded in an extremely challenging period for the office sector. According to market data, in the first three quarters of 2021, leases for a total of 398,100 sq m were signed in Warsaw, that is 10% less than in the same period last year[1]. This transaction makes us particularly proud,’ said Dawid Wątorski, Senior Leasing Manager at CA Immo.

‘The new facility in the Warsaw Spire building will provide our patients with easy access to doctors and medical services thanks to its great location and convenient access routes from any place in Warsaw. This is another planned opening, which is consistent with the company’s strategy for the coming years, assuming constant development and expansion of the network of its centres, including specialist ones. Already in 2022, we are planning to open further multidisciplinary specialist clinics and dental clinics, and not only in Warsaw,’ says Bartosz Rozwadowski, Investment and Procurement Director at enel-med.

During the transaction, the tenant was advised by CBRE.

Warsaw Spire C is a modern office building that has been part of CA Immo’s portfolio in Poland since 2018. The building is located in the heart of Warsaw’s Wola business district, at Plac Europejski 2. The location of the development guarantees excellent access from any place in Warsaw, regardless of the form of transport. Not far from the complex is the Rondo Daszyńskiego station of the second Metro line, numerous bus and tram stops, and city bikes.

The 15-storey Warsaw Spire C was delivered in 2015 and offers over 21,000 m2 of commercial space and an underground car park with 241 spaces. The building features state-of-the-art technological and green solutions, and the office units are equipped, among others, with the access control system, BMS and dual power supply. The high standard of finish, the possibility of flexible interior arrangement, glazed elevations and very good access to daylight ensure highly comfortable working conditions for all tenants of the investment project.

The tenants of Warsaw Spire C include such entities as the Centre for EU Transport Projects (CEUTP), Benefit Systems, Ströer, and Adecco. The building is 92% leased.

In the immediate vicinity of Warsaw Spire there are many retail and service establishments, as well as a specially separated urban space, combining public and commercial functions, available to all Warsaw residents.

Owned by CA Immo, the Warsaw Spire C and Warsaw Spire B buildings are part of the Warsaw Spire complex, which has won numerous awards in prestigious industry competitions (e.g. in 2017 was a winner in the Best Office & Business Development category at the MIPIM real estate event in Cannes). It holds a BREEAM certificate at the Excellent level.


[1] https://www.jll.pl/pl/trendy-i-analizy/badanie/rynek-biurowy-w-warszawie

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