Komunikaty PR

Half of the houses built in the 1st stage of Neo Natolin have sold

2023-06-15  |  09:00
Biuro prasowe
Paulina Gadomska-Dzięcioł
Advanced PR

Koszykowa 61
00-667 Warszawa
pgadomska-dzieciol|advancedpr.pl| |pgadomska-dzieciol|advancedpr.pl

Real Management S.A. has signed pre-sale contracts for 42 residential units, which is half of the units being developed in the first stage of Neo Natolin. The project will be ready to welcome its first residents as early as Q3 2024. The development will ultimately consist over 200 residential units with accompanying leisure infrastructure.

There is a lot of interest in Neo Natolin, a development of high-end semi-detached single-family houses being developed in Warsaw’s Wilanów district. The first stage of the project comprises 84 houses. Half of them have been sold under pre-sale contracts, which Real Management S.A. started signing with customers about four months ago.

“We are very pleased with the interest in our newest residential project in the Wilanów district and the progress of work at the construction site,” said Marcin Malka, CEO of Real Management S.A. “The reinforced concrete works are almost completed, and the works on erection of the internal walls, including the roof structures, are advanced. In the first buildings, the window joinery has already been made, and installation of electrical and sanitary systems has begun. Everything is going as planned.”

The development stands out due to its stylish and modern architecture, as well as top-quality solutions that provide neighbouring families with privacy, and a number of amenities. The houses will only be connected to each other by garages, ensuring maximum privacy for the residents. Each house will have its own plot ranging from about 580 m2 to 990 m2, allowing 70% of each plot to be planned as a biologically active area. The estate plan provides for numerous green spaces, public squares, a pond, and nooks with small architecture.

The development, which will feature a variety of green solutions, has been carried out with care for the environment from the outset. Each house will be equipped with heat pumps, heat recovery system, infrastructure for photovoltaic systems, and space for installation of an EV charger. All these solutions and amenities will promote energy efficiency and reduce utility costs.

Schools (including some of the most prestigious in Warsaw), kindergartens, medical centres, large grocery stores, the Galeria Ursynów shopping mall, and restaurants are all within a short distance of the development. And thanks to Neo Natolin’s proximity to areas such as the Natolin Forest Nature Reserve and the Kabaty Forest, the estate will provide its residents with access to green spaces and offer many recreational and sporting opportunities. The development is well connected to the centre of Warsaw and provides a convenient connection to the outskirts of the city. With public transport stops close to the estate, the residents will be able to reach a metro station in just a few minutes. The proximity of the S2 expressway is also a major advantage.

The architectural design of the entire estate was created by the renowned studio APA Wojciechowski. Internity Home will support the future residents with interior design.

Neo Natolin is the third project by Real Management developed as single-family houses. The company’s portfolio also includes Rezydencje Chojnów, a complex comprising 30 houses, and Rezydencje Pałacowa, with 48 luxury houses.

To read more about the development, see: https://neonatolin.com/

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Źródło informacji: Advanced PR
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