Komunikaty PR

Infinity building signs anchor office tenant

2022-10-11  |  13:40
Biuro prasowe

Divante, a Cloudflight company and a global provider of eCommerce solutions, has become one of the first tenants to commit to Infinity’s office space, leasing 1,900 sqm. of space on the sixth floor of the office building. Avestus Real Estate, the developer of the project being constructed at John Paul II Square in Wrocław, will be completed for the tenants in the second quarter of 2023.

Divante is an expert in creating superior eCommerce solutions and products for global B2B and B2C companies. Since 2008, Divante has been supporting its partners in developing breakthrough concepts and implementing them based on the latest technologies. Divante has completed projects for such industry leaders as Bosch, T-Mobile, Axel Johnson International, and SAP as well as many other companies that view technology as a key component of their future growth. The company was awarded the title of “Forbes Diamonds” and was ranked in the “Technology Fast 500 Central Europe” program by Deloitte. Divante employs more than 350 experts.

We are delighted that this dynamic company has recognized the benefits of Infinity. We are confident that our building, thanks to its efficient light floor plates and modern architecture, will provide Divante with the highest level of comfort and contribute to its further success. Infinity is not only an inspiring new space but also an environmentally focused office building that provides excellent levels of ESG standards, which creates quality conditions for work and business development. I am very pleased to welcome Divante as one of our first office tenants to Infinity,” said Mariusz Frąckiewicz, Director Poland at Avestus Real Estate.

Divante’s new office will occupy 1,900 sqm. of space on the sixth floor of the Infinity office building. The company’s offices will be located at the intersection of Legnicka and Nabycińska Streets and will have access to a spacious terrace located on the roof of the building. JLL represented Infinity’s owner in the negotiation process. The tenant was advised by Real Estate Consulting Daria Rizler, known as incado.

Marcin Łaskawski, CEO of Divante S.A., points out that the relocation is another precisely planned stage in the company's development.

“The new space and its arrangement are closely related to the merger of Divante with the Cloudflight Group and a direct result of the growing and changing needs of the dynamic market in which we operate. Our employees will be able to work from any location where Cloudflight has its offices, and there are now 20 across Europe, including two in Poland in Wrocław and Rzeszów. I personally think this is the next step in a constantly evolving market where the employee gets a friendly space, a new quality of work, and unique flexibility. Our model has always given the freedom to choose a location within remote, hybrid, or stationary working. My personal goal and ambition is to give teams a comfortable space that creates an environment for creative work, meetings, and the exchange of knowledge and experience. For us, the choice of both location and business partner was the result of the above-mentioned assumptions. We were looking for the best location in Wrocław and the highest quality office."

The Inifinity office complex being constructed at the John Paul II Square in Wrocław is an investment project executed by Avestus Real Estate in cooperation with its business partner, Alchemy Properties. The office building in Wrocław is the first investment project of this South African company in Europe. Infinity will be a seven-story class A office building offering, among other things, 18,727 sqm. of office space, 1,561 sqm. of retail space and a three-level underground car park with 311 parking spaces, including electric vehicle charging stations. With cyclists in mind, 120 bicycle stands will be provided in a closed-off zone including changing rooms and showers. The office building will be BREEAM-certified at the Excellent level as well as WELL Health-Safety certified for its high standard of safety procedures.

In addition to its unique and highly distinctive architecture, the Infinity office building will also feature state-of-the-art technologies, including an innovative tenant service platform by spaceOS. Touchless solutions, tilt windows, and the highest-quality air filters will guarantee the safety and comfort of its users.

Infinity will also have an impressive lobby with dedicated areas for visitors to the building. On the roof of the office building, there will be spacious terraces with landscaping elements and greenery. All activities of the Infinity project, from the construction work to the applied technologies and solutions as well as the management of the building, are carried out in compliance with ESG criteria. This ensures that the office building is low-carbon with minimum environmental impact.

The architectural design of Infinity was developed by AD Studio, the general contractor is Eiffage Polska Budownictwo, and JLL is in charge of the commercialization process of the building. Intensive construction work on additional floors is currently underway on the site. The investment is scheduled to be fully completed in Q2 2023.

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