Infinity office building with foundation plate
Construction of the Infinity office building in Wrocław is entering the key stage. The general contractor of the investment, Eiffage Polska Budownictwo S.A., completed the foundation plate in January. The investment is scheduled to be completed in Q1 2023. The class A office building under construction at Jana Pawła II Square will offer a total of nearly 22,000 sqm. of leasable area.
The completion of the foundation plate was one of the most important elements of the underground work for the construction of Infinity. So far, a foundation excavation of about 51,000 m3 has been made, about 980 tons of reinforcing steel has been embedded, and about 9,500 m3 of concrete has been pumped in. Following the completion of the bottom slab, walls, columns and floor-ceiling assemblies on the minus 2 and minus 3 floors, among others, are now being constructed. Simultaneous installation works are also underway. Achieving ground zero and the completion of underground construction are scheduled for early April 2022.
‘An intensive and demanding period on the Infinity construction site is behind us. We are very pleased with the pace of all works and their timeliness, guaranteed by the general contractor. We also note that as construction progresses, there is increased interest from potential Infinity tenants. Advanced talks are underway, and I strongly believe that they will soon turn into lease agreements. Next year, we will be able to welcome the first tenants and together strengthen the Wrocław business market, in modern conditions with the highest standards of space and safety,’ said Mariusz Frąckiewicz, Director Poland at Avestus Real Estate.
Infinity will be a seven-storey class A office building offering, among others, 18,727 sqm. of office space, 1,561 sqm. of retail space and a three-level underground car park with 311 parking spaces. With cyclists in mind, 120 bicycle stands will be provided in a closed-off zone including changing rooms and showers. The office building will hold a BREEAM certificate at Excellent level.
The office building will feature cutting-edge technological solutions as well as touchless and highest quality air filters, thus guaranteeing the safety and comfort of its users. Infinity will also have an impressive lobby with dedicated areas for visitors to the building. On the roof of the office building there will be a spacious terrace with landscaping elements and greenery. The Infinity architectural design was prepared by AD Studio. The project will be commercialized by JLL. The investment is scheduled to be fully completed in Q1 2023.

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