LIXA E with construction nearing the finish line
Construction of the final stage of the LIXA office campus in Warsaw is entering its final phase. The symbolic topping-out wreath has been hoisted on the LIXA E building to mark the reaching of the highest construction point. On the other hand, in the LIXA D building intensive works are underway to erect the final floors. The LIXA D and E office buildings, under development as part of Yareal Polska flagship investment, will offer a total of more than 28,000 sqm. of leasable space and will be ready to welcome tenants in Q2 and Q1 of 2024, respectively.
LIXA is the largest office project in Yareal’s history. The final stage of this development, office buildings D and E, are being erected on the west side of the publicly accessible LIXA City Gardens walkway, tying the entire complex together. FineTech Construction Sp. z o.o. is the general contractor. The first elements of the facade, which is a continuation of the architectural tenets from previous stages, have already appeared on the LIXA E building. On the other hand, in the LIXA D building, located directly at the LIXA City Gardens arcade, works are underway to bring up the 5th and 6th floors. LIXA E will deliver nearly 18,000 sqm. to the Warsaw market, and LIXA D will provide more than 10,000 sqm. of modern office space.
‘We are very pleased today to celebrate the reaching of another milestone in the development of LIXA. In choosing FineTech Construction Sp. z o.o. as the general contractor for the final stage of our investment, we have relied on a proven partner. Thanks to our cooperation, we are implementing the extremely demanding construction schedule for buildings D and E perfectly. The fast pace of construction works and the excellent benchmark provided by the existing buildings on our campus translate into strong interest in the space in the office buildings under construction. LIXA is not just about a modern working environment. Above all, it is a project where we take care of the well-being of its users through numerous solutions setting new standards in the office market,’ said Jacek Zengteler, President of Management Board at Yareal Polska.
‘The traditional and symbolic hoisting of the topping-out wreath marks the completion of the construction stage in the LIXA E building, which is of utmost importance for the entire project. Since the works began in the second quarter of 2022, it has been an exemplary development. The project is being implemented extremely smoothly, and construction progress is visible week by week. We are pleased that the next stage of LIXA will soon be ready to welcome the tenants,’ commented Włodzimierz Bogiel, Chairman of the Board at FineTech Construction.
LIXA fits perfectly with Yareal Polska ESG-compliant sustainable development strategy. Just like in the previous stages of this office campus, environmentally friendly energy-saving solutions are being applied in the construction of buildings D and E. The construction is powered by electricity from renewable sources, i.e. onshore wind farms. In line with the principles of sustainable construction, low-emission concrete is also used, which will reduce CO2 emissions by 3,031 tons, equivalent to the emissions generated by 250 airplane flights between Warsaw and New York. In addition, low-carbon recycled aluminium is being used during the construction of the entire LIXA complex, which will reduce CO2 emissions by another 2,358 tons in the perspective of the investment process.
In addition, the tilt windows designed for the LIXA D and E office buildings will allow limited use of air conditioning; high-speed energy recovery elevators, as well as modern LED lighting will be installed inside the buildings. Rainwater will be collected and used to irrigate shrubs, perennials and lawns growing in both public gardens. A decorative pond will be made in the courtyard, around which water mist will be sprayed on hot days. The underground part of the final stage of LIXA, which is being developed right next to the eye-catching pedestrian walkway forming a new passage between Kasprzaka and Giełdowa streets, will have a total of 217 parking spaces. Some of them will be equipped with electric car chargers. Bike racks are also provided, as well as showers and lockers for tenants.
The LIXA office campus is being built in stages in the business heart of Warsaw, in Wola district near the city centre, a short walk from the Rondo Daszyńskiego subway station. It was designed by the distinguished HRA Architekci studio. Both the existing buildings and the LIXA D and E office buildings under construction are certified under the BREEAM green building system, with an Excellent rating. The LIXA project will also include the WELL Health-Safety rating to confirm that the complex meets high requirements for safety standards and procedures. Once the last two office buildings are delivered, LIXA will form a complex of five buildings with a total area of 77,000 sqm.

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