Komunikaty PR

.mdd joins tenant roster at Textorial Park

2023-03-28  |  10:25
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Textorial Park office campus in Łódź welcomed a new tenant – .mdd. One of the leading manufacturers of office furniture in Poland leased 317 sqm. in the historic Building A. The space occupied by .mdd comprises the company’s offices and a showroom, where visitors can see the products offered by .mdd and admire a wide array of fit-out solutions available in Textorial Park’s office space.

.mdd is one of the largest manufacturers of office furniture and equipment in Poland: it arranges over 1 million sqm. of office space each year. The company’s offer includes state-of-the-art seating, desks, tables, reception desks, cabinets, acoustic booths and many more. Its products are suitable for offices, but also for hotels, restaurants and healthcare facilities. .mdd offers also home office solutions, which allow to perfectly set up a functional home office zone. The company exports its products to more than 60 markets and cooperates with over 2,800 business partners worldwide.

I am really pleased with our cooperation with .mdd. We are truly proud to welcome such a modern and innovative company in our complex. Our cooperation with .mdd goes beyond a standard lease. Together, we arranged 317 sqm. of space to showcase the excellent potential of the space offered by Textorial Park. It is here, in .mdd’s showroom that our guests and potential tenants will have the opportunity to see possible arrangements of their future offices in our campus in Łódź,’ says Anna Banaś, President of the Management Board of St. Paul’s Developments Poland, owner of Textorial Park.

‘We are really pleased to become part of Textorial Park. We knew exactly what kind of space we were looking for. To me, this is a truly unique complex on the map of Łódź – you can feel its history and spirit. The space offered in this historic building is very comfortable. It is a perfect background to presents our products, one that makes their unique character stand out. We designed the space in line with the latest trends of office work. Working in well-lit and quiet interiors is very effective, it helps us concentrate, which makes us more creative. Guests, potential customers and hopefully our future tenants, as well as architects, who have been visiting us since the beginning of March, have been impressed by the atmosphere of the place. We aim to make this place vibrant – we plan to hold a variety of meetings and events here, while on a daily basis we do creative work on office space designs with samplers, fabrics and decorative materials at hand,’ comments Joanna Gralewska, Commercial Director at .mdd.

Textorial Park is an office campus located in close vicinity to the very heart of Łódź, in the Księży Młyn district, in the former cotton warehouses of Karol Scheibler’s factory. The complex was completed in 2008 and comprises three A-class office buildings connected by a glazed atrium. Textorial Park offers nearly 14,000 sqm. of commercial space in total, including 5,000 sqm. in Building A, 4,000 sqm. in Building B and 4,300 sqm. in Building C.

The renovated and modernised old industrial buildings located between Fabryczna and Magazynowa Streets have not just created an attractive place for work on the business map of Łódź, but also contributed to the restoration of a city-forming and cultural space for the local community. Apart from office space, Textorial Park features, among other things, a canteen and a restaurant where the employees can unwind during and after work, a green patio and an amphitheatre, where a number of cultural and entertainment events are held for all inhabitants of Łódź. The array of tenants includes Three Chimneys, Kofeina, Peoplevox, PCG, One Wall Design, Surchem, Mabion, Media Expert, to name just a few.

The development offers 161 parking spaces in the underground car park, 79 spaces outside the buildings and roofed spaces with 193 bicycle stands. BREEAM In-Use certificates were awarded to all the buildings in Textorial Park complex with ‘Good’ and ‘Very Good’ ratings.

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