Multidekor extends lease at Konotopa Park II
Savills Investment Management (Savills IM), an international investment manager, has signed an extension agreement with Multidekor S.A. concerning the lease of approx. 23,000 sqm. of space at Konotopa Park II logistics centre near Warsaw. The lease has been extended by five years.
Founded by brothers Grzegorz and Tomasz Podogrocki, Multidekor has been operating continuously in the Christmas decoration industry since 1996, creating professional illuminations for cities and shopping malls. Multidekor has been a tenant at Konotopa Park II since the facility's opening in 2018. It is where the company has established the largest and most modern Christmas illumination production centre in this part of Europe and where decorations are created for facilities located not only in Poland, but also in Germany, the UK, France, Romania or Hungary. A massive warehouse with multi-level storage system and a service area has been created at Konotopa Park II. Having warehouses in the same place as the production hall facilitates Multidekor’s efficient management of the distribution of their products worldwide.
Natalia Iwaszkiewicz, Asset Manager at Savills IM Poland, commented:
"We are happy to have signed a lease extension with Multidekor, the largest tenant of Konotopa Park II and also one of the first. The superb location of our facility and its multifunctional nature support the growth of our clients in various areas. Since the acquisition of Konotopa Park II in 2019, we have been striving to continuously improve the functionality of this warehouse complex in order to meet tenants’ needs even better. We are delighted that the facility, and the investments we have made, have been positively evaluated and we will have the pleasure of working with Multidekor for the next seven years."
Grzegorz Podogrocki, CEO at Multidekor S.A., said:
"For us, the continued growth of our production and logistics centre is a natural consequence of the implementation of Multidekor’s long-term strategy. We are constantly increasing our presence on global markets, partly thanks to the opportunities offered by the modern and well-connected space at Konotopa Park II. In addition, it is BREEAM environmentally certified, which is perfectly aligned with our corporate responsibility policy. As an organisation, we adapt all our activities to minimise our climate impact. This applies to every aspect of the company’s operations. We act for local communities, environmental aspects or we select partners who, like us, value responsible approach to the environment. Every year, when creating energy-efficient illuminations and themed sets for shopping malls, streets and squares in cities around the world, we think in terms of all the processes involved – from design, to production, use, or recyclability, to the place where they are made and stored."
Konotopa Park II is located 13 kilometres west of the centre of Warsaw. The complex is located at the “Konotopa” interchange connecting the A2 motorway and the Warsaw ring road, as well as close to the “Mory” interchange. The location of the warehouse enables fast access to Warsaw Chopin Airport and good road transport to other regions of Poland.
Konotopa Park II offers a total of over 42,000 sqm. of Class A warehouse space and has a BREEAM In-Use certificate at “Very Good” level. The facility is fitted with state-of-the-art systems, such as ESFR sprinklers and smoke dampers, skylights, as well as 24-hour security service. The warehouse space can be flexibly arranged for storage and light manufacturing. In addition, ample parking spaces for cars and trucks and truck manoeuvring areas are available on site. Konotopa Park II has been part of Savills IM portfolio since 2019.

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