Komunikaty PR

Record-breaking results of Golden Star Estate

2023-03-01  |  09:05
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Additional prestigious international company has joined the group of valuable tenants of the building owned by the Golden Star Estate Group. A leading provider of translation, global digital marketing, content management, has leased c.a. 14,000 sqm. of high quality office space at Konstruktorska Business Center. In 2022, Golden Star Estate has leased a total of c.a. 30,000 sqm. of office space in the building in Warsaw's Mokotów district, of which c.a. 20,000 sqm. were new leases. Thus, the Golden Star Estate was successfully completed re-commercialization of an office building, which is now 100% leased.

‘It is a great pleasure for me to welcome another prestigious tenant at Konstruktorska Business Center. Such a significant transaction - one of the largest on the Warsaw market in the last several months, is a source of great pride for us and proves that global companies, leaders in their industries, see the future of business in modern Class A office spaces. When planning the space for Konstruktorska Business Center, it was crucial for us that the building should meet the requirements of clients who observe the highest standards of work and carry out processes that are of vital importance from the point of view of company’s operations. We are delighted that our goal has been achieved and prestigious companies tie their future to our building in Warsaw’s. Over the last twelve months, we have leased c.a. 30,000 sqm. in Konstruktorska Business Center, which consisted of both new contracts and extensions of leases. Thanks to these transactions, we have completed the full re-commercialization of an office building in Warsaw's Mokotów district, which celebrates its 10th anniversary this year,’ said Antonio Pomes, Head of Asset Management at Golden Star Group.

Konstruktorska Business Center is a modern class A office building with a total leasable area of 49,500 sqm., located in the heart of the Mokotów business district. The seven-story building offers the largest floor areas in the CEE region with 7,000 sqm per floor, providing tenants with full flexibility in arranging their workspace in an ideal way to accommodate their requirements for various sizes ranges combined with efficiency and energy savings confirmed by the BREEAM certificate on a “Very Good” level.

Konstruktorska Business Center has four different entries and boasts two internal recreation courtyards with an area of 3,200 sqm. – green spaces for relaxation and meetings, exceptionally popular with employees, and 1,050 parking spaces in the underground garage, cycling and locker rooms for cyclists. A very good location enables quick access by both public transport (buses and trams) and own means of transport. The building is located about 15 minutes by car from the centre of Warsaw and about 10 minutes from the Warsaw Chopin Airport.

Numerous advantages of Konstruktorska Business Center have been appreciated by renowned International and Polish companies enjoying the quality of the property. The tenants group includes i.a.  Kanał Sportowy, Sunday Polska, Procter&Gamble, Emerson Process Management or MoneyGram.

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