Komunikaty PR

Sodexo Poland to stay at Oxygen Park in Warsaw for longer

2023-06-29  |  10:05
Biuro prasowe
Do pobrania Sodexo OP ( 0.38 MB )

Sodexo, the global leader in services that improve quality of life, has extended its lease of office space and canteen in Oxygen Park, the Warsaw office complex owned by the Golden Star Group. The agreement under which Sodexo Poland leases a total of 1,630 sqm. was signed for 6.5 years.

Operating in 53 countries, Sodexo is the global leader in services that improve quality of life – a key factor influencing both the performance of individual employees and the organization as a whole. 422,000 employees of Sodexo serve over 100 million consumers on a daily basis. In Poland, Sodexo has been a leader in comprehensive real estate services for the last 30 years and is the largest Facility Management (FM) company operating countrywide. Sodexo provides Integrated Facility Management (IFM) services in over 200 facilities. The company runs 40 restaurants for employees, including a restaurant for office staff, located in the Oxygen Park complex. Sodexo is also responsible for the facility's maintenance, cleaning and reception services in Oxygen Park.

”The renewal of a lease always makes us extremely proud. This means that the solutions that we offer are of the highest quality. If the lease is extended by a global leader with a history of managing properties and providing services that improve quality of work, it matters more than anything to us. This shows that our Partner and its personnel appreciate the working conditions offered by Oxygen Park’s modern and inspiring space,” said Antonio Pomes, Head of Asset Management at Golden Star Group.

Sodexo’s office space in Oxygen Park is located on the 5th floor in Building A and covers an area of 1,270 sqm. Moreover, Sodexo leases 360 sqm. for an employee canteen in the complex on Al. Jerozolimskie.

“Sodexo builds long-lasting partnerships and trust-based relationships. Having carefully examined the needs of our team and appreciating our excellent cooperation with Golden Star Group, we have decided to extend the lease. Oxygen Park offers comfortable conditions of work for our employees, which helps them concentrate and makes them more creative. Our aim is to create a space that people want to come back to and that would foster innovation,” said Marta Stańczak, Managing Director, Sodexo Poland.

Oxygen Park is a modern office complex, located directly on Aleje Jerozolimskie in Warsaw’s business district. The project consists of two six-storey buildings with a total leasable area of over 18,000 sqm. The fully glazed façade guarantees maximum access to daylight, and tilt windows enable ventilation of the rooms. The layout of each floor permits the introduction of flexible office solutions tailored to the needs of even the most demanding tenants. Environmentally friendly solutions applied in the complex have been confirmed with a BREEAM certificate at the “Very Good” level.

Oxygen Park’s tenants – in addition to top-quality office space – also have at their disposal a green patio with a relaxation zone, a canteen and retail and service outlets. The investment also features 162 parking spaces in the underground garage, bicycle racks and locker rooms with showers.

Thanks to its location at one of the key Warsaw’s thoroughfares the complex can be conveniently reached from any place in Warsaw and its surroundings – both by car and by public transport, including Warsaw Commuter Railway (WKD) (proximity of the “WKD Raków” railway station). The complex is located just 7 km from both Chopin Airport and the city centre. An additional advantage of Oxygen Park’s location is the proximity of several shopping malls, including: Reduta and Blue City as well as Leclerc and Makro supermarkets.

The architectural design of Oxygen Park was created by the renowned JEMS Architekci studio. The project was delivered in 2013. The tenants of Oxygen Park, in addition to Sodexo, include such companies as Agfa, DiaSorin, Parker Hannifin or Nieruchomości Plus. 

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