Komunikaty PR

Very good performance of Centrum Praskie Koneser

2022-10-12  |  10:20
Biuro prasowe

Centrum Praskie Koneser  has not only brought back to life the historic buildings of Warsaw’s 19th-century “Koneser” Vodka Factory, but has also – on a scale never seen before – combined post-industrial space with a living urban fabric. Owing to this multifunctional complex, Praga-Północ has gained a new, and most importantly, friendly image for residents and tourists alike. The district has also won recognition among Polish and international companies which have decided to locate their headquarters in the Koneser. Thus, the investment’s office space is almost fully leased, and the retail part is performing well, both in terms of visitors and financially. 

The idea of establishing Centrum Praskie Koneser  coincided with the acquisition of the historic 19th-century Warsaw “Koneser” Vodka Factory premises by BBI Development. When BBI joined forces with Liebrecht & wooD Group, the idea was transformed into a viable project completed in September 2018. 

The renewal of the post-factory areas involved not only the renovation of the facilities in accordance with strict conservation guidelines. It also required the incorporation of new buildings and spaces in such a way so as not to lose the unique character of the place. Owing to this investment, Praga-Północ has gained a new, and most importantly, friendly image for residents and tourists alike. The industrial atmosphere combined with modern architectural solutions has made Koneser a unique place and the first of its kind in Warsaw. 

The development is located between Ząbkowska, Markowska, Białostocka and Nieporęcka streets and occupies a total of 74,500 sqm. of usable space (GLA). 49,000 sqm. are offices, of which the area of 22,000 sqm. is offered by the buildings of the Monopol project. The remaining 25,500 sqm. of Koneser are intended for mixed-use commercial premises, dining outlets as well as cultural and entertainment venues. The whole is complemented by a residential part, the Moxy Warsaw Praga hotel, and an underground parking lot with spaces for 1,100 vehicles. The heart of the centre is the 4,000 sqm. Koneser Square, which is open to all and hosts numerous performances, fairs, concerts, exhibitions and more.

Centrum Praskie Koneser was the first to discover Praga for Polish and international business. The delivered 49,000 sqm. of modern office space is ideally suited to the needs of those companies that look for original, creatively inspiring and well connected spaces in the capital. Tenants in the almost fully leased office space include such companies as: Atende, Brand New Galaxy, BWHS, CLICO, Energy Solution, ESRI, Kantar, Maspex, Olx, PTV Group, RK Legal, Stalgast, Wienerberger, as well as PepsiCo, Spaces or WPP Group, which have located their headquarters at Koneser Square address in the Monopol office project. Centrum Praskie Koneser is also home to the first Google Campus in Central and Eastern Europe. 

When we started the development of Koneser, we knew that we would surprise the market not only with the revitalisation process, but above all with the choice of the location. After all, Warsaw's Praga is an area that until recently was not considered a business district. However, we wanted to change that, because we saw its unique potential. Liebrecht & wooD Group has been implementing bold, innovative, complex and trend-setting projects for 30 years. Therefore, we are glad that today Praga – also thanks to the consistent implementation of our plans – tops the rankings for the most fashionable and interesting districts in Europe. We truly believe in Praga and its continued development, which is why we have launched our next, newest renewal project: Drucianka Campus,” says Magdalena Bartkiewicz-Podoba, CEO, Liebrecht & wooD in Poland.

Centrum Praskie Koneser boasts very strong results for its mixed-use commercial premises, recording a 24 % increase in turnover per sqm. in 2022 compared to June 2019, hence the pre-pandemic period. The summary of the entire H1 2022 is also excellent. The development’s average monthly turnover per sqm. is 29 % higher than in the previous year (H1 2021 vs H1 2022). The popularity of Koneser’s mixed-use commercial premises is also evidenced by the number of visitors, which has increased by 24% in period of January-September 2022 - compared to the same period in 2021.

Tenants of the retail space at Centrum Praskie Koneser include Damian Medical Center, Medicover Dentistry and Dental prosthetics, the Zdrofit fitness club, the InviMed clinic, the Świat Książki bookstore, numerous beauty outlets, as well as the supermarkets, Aldi and Biedronka. The premises also include dining outlets (a dozen or so bars and restaurants) and cultural and entertainment venues (including art galleries and museums, such as the Polish Vodka Museum, the Magic Mind Museum and the Museum of Fantastic Art). 

Centrum Praskie Koneser is the most awarded mixed-use development in Poland, recognized for its innovative concept, unique architecture, ideal fit for business needs and city-building character, among other things. Notably, both during the project and after its completion, the development was awarded a BREEAM certificate at the Excellent level (BREEAM Interim New Construction 2013 – Excellent, BREEAM Final Post Construction - Excellent).

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