Komunikaty PR

Mennica Legacy Tower wins the European Property Awards!

2021-02-05  |  13:02
Biuro prasowe

The Warsaw office complex, Mennica Legacy Tower, has become a winner in the European Property Awards competition, which gives recognition to the best real estate investments in Europe. The project carried out by GGH in cooperation with Mennica Polska S.A. was recognised as the best investment in Poland and Europe in the “Commercial High-Rise Architecture” category.

The Mennica Legacy Tower is a work of the renowned Chicago-based Goettsch Partners studio. The complex is a combination of exceptional architecture, state-of-the-art technology, functionality and top-quality finishing materials. These solutions were appreciated by the judges of the prestigious European Property Awards competition, which recognised Mennica Legacy Tower as the best investment in Poland and Europe in theCommercial High-Rise Architecture” category. Additionally, in the first stage of the competition, the investment was awarded in the “Commercial High-Rise Development for Poland” category.

The European Property Awards is one of six regional programmes that form the International Property Awards. It was established in 1994 and is considered the world’s largest and most prestigious competition, in which 130 countries participated last year and over £50 billion worth of projects were entered.

Cezary Jarząbek, Founder and CEO of GGH, said: “When we started the Mennica Legacy Tower project, we wanted it to reflect our passion for real estate and our drive for perfection. The result of our work is a building that is already setting a new trend in its category and has become an icon of style and elegance. It is to our great satisfaction that Mennica Legacy Tower was appreciated by the jury of such a prominent international competition. We are extremely proud of that. We are glad that our hallmark project successfully competes with other outstanding world-class projects”

Joachim Schuessler, Principal of Goettsch Partners, commented: “We believe that buildings should reach beyond their sites to enhance and transform the urban experience. With its variety of rich programmatic experiences and its large landscaped public outdoor plazas and thoroughfares, Mennica Legacy Tower demonstrates how private real estate developments can positively impact the city. We are honored that the project was selected for this prestigious award.”

The win of Mennica Legacy Tower in European Property Awards is not the only recent success of the investment. Open since November 2019, the West Building of the complex was awarded the final BREEAM certificate at the “Excellent” level. During the certification process, pro-environmental solutions and land development obtained the highest scores. In this category, the West Building received the maximum number of points. High scores were also given to, among other things: state-of-the-art building management systems, energy efficiency and the quality of materials used.

Mennica Legacy Tower complex

The Mennica Legacy Tower office complex, with an area of 65,963 m2, is composed of the 140-metre-tall Tower and the neighbouring 43-metre-tall Western Building. mBank is a main tenant of the Tower of Mennica Legacy Tower with 45,600 sq m leased for its new headquarters. The Tower of Mennica Legacy Tower will also feature offices of GGH and Mennica Polska S.A. The offer of the complex will be enhanced by retail and service spaces, which will be developed by the Meet & Eat restaurant concept and Zdrofit fitness club.

Exclusive office tenant of West Building is WeWork, a global leader in coworking spaces. The WeWork offices at Mennica Legacy Tower are the largest “flexible space” to let in the entire CEE region. The retail and service spaces of the building will also house mBank’s flagship branch, a Carrefour minimarket, and a Gorąco Polecam bakery.

Both buildings of the project take advantage of advanced technological solutions which increase the efficiency of systems and guarantee the safety of tenants, as well as the latest mobile technologies, enabling their users to communicate with the building’s systems using
a dedicated app installed on the tenants’ smartphones.

The architectural design of Mennica Legacy Tower was delivered by the renowned architecture studio Goettsch Partners from Chicago, which chose the esteemed studio Epstein to be its local partner. The general contractor of the investment is Warbud S.A.

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