Komunikaty PR

Promotions at Walter Herz

2024-05-22  |  01:00
Biuro prasowe
Iwona Wiśniewska - Lopez
Prestige PR

Włodarzewska 81C lok 81
02-393 Warszawa
i.wisniewska|prestigepr.pl| |i.wisniewska|prestigepr.pl
508 927 958

Karolina Migdał-Koleśnikow and Michał Porzycki are being promoted at Walter Herz

Walter Herz consulting company has announced new appointments within their Marketing and Sales as well as Tenant Representation teams.

Karolina Migdał-Koleśnikow has been appointed as the Sales & Marketing Director.

In her new role, Karolina will manage the team responsible for creating and implementing marketing campaigns aimed at reinforcing brand awareness and promoting the company's services, as well as the activities of Walter Herz’s Tenant Academy and Investor Academy. She will also manage relationships with partners and subcontractors. The new director at Walter Herz will be responsible for supporting the implementation of the organization's development strategy and its various brands, as well as achieving sales targets and expanding the company's client portfolio.

Karolina joined Walter Herz in October 2022 as the Sales & Marketing Manager. She has eleven years of experience in marketing. Throughout her professional development, she has gained extensive experience in executing B2B marketing projects managing image, promotional, and product events, integrating marketing and sales processes. Karolina graduated from SWPS University in Warsaw, where she studied Social Psychology.


Michał Porzycki has been promoted to Head of Tenant Representation Warsaw.

Michał will be responsible for leading the Warsaw Tenant Representation division of Walter Herz, expanding its structure, and developing the company's consulting services in the office sector in Warsaw. His tasks will also include developing and building client relationships, as well as preparing and implementing a tactical, long-term office space leasing plan in the dynamically changing business environment of Warsaw.

Michał has been with Walter Herz since June 2023. He has thirteen years of experience in the commercial real estate market in Poland. Throughout his career, he has advised on numerous transactions, representing both tenants and landlords. He has provided expert advice to commercial investors and public sector entities, resulting in transactions involving approximately 200 thousand sq m. of office space. Michał is a graduate of Vistula University in Warsaw, where he studied Economics.

- Walter Herz is a company that bases its culture and operating principles on long-term relationships fostered within the team. This approach has enabled us to create an organization rooted in knowledge exchange and trust, which provides our team with extensive development opportunities. The promotion of Karolina and Michał serves as clear evidence of this. – says Magdalena Zagrodnik, Co-Owner, Head of HR & Marketing & Public Relations at Walter Herz. - For several years, we have been consistently building the company's position as one of the leaders on the Polish real estate market, continuously improving the quality of our services and expanding our offer. Our strengths include a high level of initiative and a forward-looking perspective on the market, as well as an excellent team of experts, most of whom have been with the company for many years. The understanding and collaboration within the team that we have built pay off and translate into the standard of services delivered to clients – says Magdalena Zagrodnik.


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