Rondo 1 Run Up for the 12th time! Registration has just opened!
Anyone who has ever heard about stair running, aka “towerrunning,” has probably also heard of the Rondo 1 Run Up. Since its debut edition in 2011, the event has gained cult status, and the start list has always been full.
It is not only the unique format of the run that is crucial to the popularity of the event, but also its sporting level. The Warsaw office building Rondo 1 has already hosted the Towerrunning European Championships twice, under the auspices of the Towerrunning World Association. Every year, the top competitors in the world in this discipline run up to the 37th floor of Rondo 1, often accompanied by famous people from the world of sport, media and culture.
The charitable dimension of the event is as important as ever. From the very beginning, the Rondo 1 Run Up has supported the Polish SOS Children’s Villages Association by donating the revenue from entry fees to the SOS Children’s Village in Kraśnik. The total amount collected in this way has already exceeded PLN 300,000.
Registration opens today
Registration for the 12th edition of the Rondo 1 Run Up opens on Monday, 18 December 2023, at 2 pm on
There will be a limit of 600 participants, and the price of the participation package will range from PLN 59 to 79. Due to the limited number of participants, as well as the history of previous registrations, the organizers recommend that runners not delay in signing up for the Rondo 1 Run Up, as there will not be enough packages for all those wishing to participate.
Official T-shirts for the event are also on sale.
More information about the event is available on the official website
Rondo 1 is one of the most modern and eco-friendly class A+ high-rise buildings in Central & Eastern Europe. The 40-storey building, completed in 2006, is located in the heart of Warsaw’s business district, at Rondo ONZ (UN Roundabout), close to the Rondo ONZ metro station and Warsaw Central Railway Station. The complex also includes the adjacent 10-storey building, which includes a car park and extensive retail and service facilities. Rondo 1 offers a total of 66,000 m2 of leasable area and nearly 500 parking spaces. It was Europe’s first high-rise to be awarded LEED Gold environmental certification in the Existing Buildings category. In 2016, the building received the highest LEED rating of Platinum. Rondo 1 was also the winner in the 2012 edition of the prestigious Real Green CEE Real Estate Quality Awards as Building of the Year 2011, and in the 2013 edition of the CEE Real Estate Quality Awards as Building of the Decade. Rondo 1 was designed by the renowned American architectural firm Skidmore, Owings & Merrill in cooperation with Polish studios AZO and Epstein.
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Akademia Newserii to projekt, w ramach którego najlepsi polscy dziennikarze biznesowi, giełdowi oraz lifestylowi, a także szkoleniowcy z wieloletnim doświadczeniem dzielą się swoją wiedzą nt. pracy z mediami.