Peakside Capital signs up DPD Polska
Peakside Capital have signed a lease with DPD Polska, a leading courier service provider, for 7,000 sqm of cross-dock space at City Point Targówek. The complex, which will offer last-mile logistics space, is now undergoing a major redevelopment. It will eventually offer close to 100,000 sqm of premium commercial space, making it the largest urban logistics scheme in the city of Warsaw. DPD Polska is expected to move into the redeveloped facility by the end of this year.
City Point Targówek is part of the portfolio of logistics properties acquired by Partners Group, a leading global private markets firm, acting on behalf of its clients, and Peakside Capital Advisors as a joint venture. In addition to the project in Targówek, the portfolio includes two other warehouses located near Warsaw: Logistics Point Raszyn and Logistics Point Piaseczno.
City Point Targówek is located in Warsaw’s district of Targówek, at 14 Matuszewska Street. Currently, a major redevelopment project has started and will include the redevelopment of all buildings of the park. The first building of 7,000 sqm redeveloped within the scheme will be occupied by DPD Polska. The delivery of the premises to the tenant is scheduled for the fourth quarter of 2023.
Philippe Dewevre, Member of Management, Private Real Estate, Partners Group, says: “This lease with a major blue-chip logistics company is an important first milestone for City Point Targówek. We have strong thematic conviction in the last-mile logistics sector and a key part of our transformational value creation plan at City Point Targówek will be to deliver best-in-class sustainable space.”
Roman Skowroński, Managing Director of Peakside Capital Advisors in Poland, comments: “We are proud of the lease signed with DPD Polska and happy that the prime standard and excellent location of our property have matched the expectations of this demanding tenant. Once upgraded, City Point Targówek will not only be the largest, but also the most modern urban logistics park in Warsaw.”
Unique project
Once all the buildings are redeveloped, the complex will offer close to 100,000 sqm of state-of-the-art industrial space, unmatched anywhere in Warsaw, designed primarily to support last-mile logistics. The urban logistics park will feature a range of advanced solutions rendering it environmentally sustainable. The construction materials used will be environmentally certified or recycled, with zero or low emissions of volatile organic compounds. A rooftop solar PV system will be installed on the premises to provide at least 10% of the energy consumed on site. Also, a state-of-the-art building management system (BMS) will be utilised. The parking lots will have EV charging areas and bicycle shelters. To further enhance the project’s attractiveness, there will be green areas and a recreational zone complete with an outdoor gym. The buildings will secure BREEAM Excellent, LEED Gold and WELL certifications.
The logistics park in the capital city’s district of Targówek is an ideal location for courier service companies, such as DPD Polska. It is also designed to accommodate e-commerce and other tenants looking for urban logistics space, small manufacturing and storage facilities in close proximity to the centre of Warsaw. The property will include built-to-suit modules of various sizes, as well as modern office space.
On the investor's side, the terms of the lease agreement with DPD Polska were negotiated by Fabian Kowalewski, Leasing & Development Director at Peakside Capital Advisors in Poland.
Partners Group is a leading global private markets firm. Since 1996, the firm has invested over USD 195 billion in private equity, private real estate, private debt and private infrastructure on behalf of its clients globally. Partners Group seeks to generate superior returns through capitalizing on thematic growth trends and transforming attractive businesses and assets into market leaders. The firm is a committed, responsible investor and aims to create sustainable returns with lasting, positive impact for all its stakeholders. With over USD 135 billion in assets under management as of 31 December 2022, Partners Group provides an innovative range of bespoke client solutions to institutional investors, sovereign wealth funds, family offices and private individuals globally. The firm employs more than 1,800 diverse professionals across 20 offices worldwide and has regional headquarters in Baar-Zug, Switzerland; Denver, USA; and Singapore. It has been listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange since 2006 (symbol: PGHN). For more information, please visit or follow us on LinkedIn or Twitter.
Peakside Capital Advisors is a European investment manager. The private-equity company manages assets worth ca. EUR 1.4 billion on behalf of institutional investors. Peakside implements differentiated investment strategies tailored to specific investor needs, ranging from core to value-add and opportunistic investments in commercial and residential assets. Peakside’s investment spectrum includes single properties, developments as well as portfolios, distressed debt and real estate operating companies. The firm employs a team of more than 30 professionals in its offices in Warsaw, Prague, Frankfurt, Zug and Luxembourg.
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