Komunikaty PR

The novelties from OMODA. Premiere of OMODA 7 at the Beijing Motor Show

2024-04-30  |  01:00
Biuro prasowe

After releasing OMODA 5 ICE and the fully electric OMODA 5E variant, the manufacturer is not slowing down. OMODA is preparing to introduce the eagerly awaited OMODA 7 model to the global market. Its presentation will take place during this year's Beijing International Motor Show (25/04-04/05). The new vehicle is a comprehensive revolution in the area of style and intelligent solutions. The new model is not all that the car manufacturer plans to surprise the market with. At the same time, further solutions from the future will be presented, including the world's first bionic robot.

New design

The new OMODA 7 model presented during the Beijing International Motor Show - one of the largest automotive events in Asia, also known as Auto China, which returned after a break caused by the pandemic (the previous edition took place in 2018) delights with its design. In the official photos announcing OMODA 7, what stands out is the design ethos, which emphasizes futuristic sensibility and aesthetic appeal. From the bold, sharp front end to the elegantly smooth waistline and tech-inspired lightning bolt taillights, every angle oozes style, promising to set new standards in SUV aesthetics. Compared to its predecessor, OMODA 7 boasts larger dimensions, positioning itself as a higher-end offer. In addition to maintaining its futuristic and fashionable design language, OMODA promises a new level of driving experience through the use of innovative smart solutions.

Setting trends
Known for their futuristic design and pleasant experiences when using intelligent solutions, cutting-edge energy technologies and comprehensive safety systems, OMODA SUVs have taken a special position in a market niche, especially among young consumers. The fashionable OMODA 5 crossover, together with its fully electric E5 variant, not only changed customers' perception of this type of vehicles, but also initiated a new trend in the field of ecological technologies and unique style. The introduction of the OMODA 7 aims to further drive this trend.

Personalized ecosystem of the future

OMODA&JAECO strives to build an ecological connection with customers that goes beyond cars themselves. Therefore, focusing on the user and future life scenarios, OMODA&JAECO has developed various ecological systems such as "Tech Life", "Fashion Life", "Off-Road Life", offering users a more personalized automotive experience with environmental concerns in mind.

During the Beijing International Automotive Exhibition, OMODA&JAECO will also organize an ecological press conference at its headquarters in Wuhu, China, during which it will officially present the world's first bionic robot, Mornine. It is the world's first bionic robot and has been developed by Chery Automobile, the parent company of OMODA&JAECO, in collaboration with AiMOGA, a strategic partner of Chery Automobile.

Powered by electricity, Mornine is described as a humanoid, intelligent, bipedal service robot that uses innovative applications of various biomimetic materials to accurately reproduce the digital image of a human. With the implementation of Mornine, OMODA&JAECOO has developed a strategy to gradually improve the robot, its functionality, its use as an expert in smart services in retail stores and a smart companion in home life, with an emphasis on development and optimization for specific scenarios and applications. During the event, Mornine will engage in direct multimodal interactions with guests, allowing participants to fully appreciate the intelligent charm of this new species of the future.

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