Batida in LIXA City Gardens
Batida, a well-known confectionery, highly valued by the customers since its inception in 1990, has joined the tenants of the LIXA City Gardens retail concept that is being arranged in the LIXA office complex near the Daszyński Roundabout in Warsaw. This iconic confectionery, standing out due to its unique atmosphere and ambience, will occupy one of the retail premises on the ground floor of LIXA’s Building D under development. Batida will be accessible from the excellently exposed public arcade located between Kasprzaka and Giełdowa streets.
Batida is an innovative concept combining confectionery and café, which has been an inspiration for Warsaw residents to discover new tastes for over 30 years. This continuously growing business has been consistently investing in both brand expansion and its innovative confectionery offering. The new boutique in LIXA City Gardens will be the sixth location in the company’s portfolio.
Customers visiting the confectionery in LIXA City Gardens will be able to taste classic treats and savoury dishes as well as discover the latest trends in confectionery, complemented with quality coffee, another key feature of this unique concept. By hand-picking the finest beans and using carefully selected cooking techniques, Batida aims to deliver a perfect combination of coffee and confectionery, creating a complete culinary experience.
The Batida confectionery will be another culinary concept available in the LIXA City Gardens arcade, to perfectly complement its gastronomy offering. In September, Street Restaurant was opened in this truly extraordinary urban space.
‘We are very happy that it is Batida that has become our Partner in LIXA City Gardens. Batida is a highly appreciated brand, enjoying the trust of the customers, constantly expanding and striving to introduce innovative solutions. What is more, Batida is not only about tasty and high quality products. It also applies a number of environmentally-friendly solutions and operates with sustainable development in mind. The latter, too, is particularly significant in the daily operations of Yareal Polska. I am convinced that Batida will fit in perfectly with the concept of our food court and will be very popular with both LIXA campus employees and the local community,’ said Marta Zawadzka, Leasing Director at Yareal Polska.
The lease agreement for the space located on the ground floor of LIXA D has been signed for five years. During the negotiation process, the tenant was advised by Homest Poland.
‘We are very proud to open our new confectionery in such a prestigious location as LIXA City Gardens in Warsaw. We aim to be close to people, become an integral part of this neighbourhood and fully fit into the vibes of the city. We do believe that our presence in LIXA City Gardens will be an excellent opportunity for us to better understand the needs of our guests. At the same time, we will be able to contribute our unique character and passion for confectionery to Warsaw’s business life,’ said Caroline Radziszewska, Vice President at Batida.
LIXA City Gardens is a new urban fabric and a unique, public space, open to office employees, the local community and customers looking for an extraordinary place. The concept of 4,000 sqm. of modern space will feature numerous retail and service outlets and a food court. The occupancy rate at LIXA City Gardens has already exceeded 50%. The tenant roster, apart from Batida, includes such brands as: Street Restaurant, ISKU, Szum or Gorąco Polecam.
The LIXA office campus, with LIXA City Gardens as its part, is being developed in stages in the Warsaw business hub in the Wola district near the city centre, just a short walking distance from the metro station. The campus was designed by the renowned architectural studio HRA Architekci. All buildings, those already open and the new ones, have been awarded BREEAM green building certificates at the Excellent level. In addition, the LIXA development was awarded the WELL Health-Safety certificate, confirming its high standard of safety procedures. Once the remaining two buildings are completed, LIXA will form a complex of five buildings with a total area of 77,000 sqm.
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