Komunikaty PR

Danieli Wean United Engineering Polska in Korona Office Complex

2023-11-23  |  01:00
Biuro prasowe
Iwona Wiśniewska - Lopez
Prestige PR

Włodarzewska 81C lok 81
02-393 Warszawa
i.wisniewska|prestigepr.pl| |i.wisniewska|prestigepr.pl
508 927 958

DWU Engineering Polska, a world leader in the design and implementation of comprehensive production lines for the steel industry, is moving its Cracow office to Korona Office Complex. Walter Herz advisors supported the company in the relocation process.

Danieli Wean United Engineering Polska company has leased over 800 sq m. space in the Edison office building, which is a part of Korona Office Complex, a GTC’s Cracow project. The relocation is scheduled for the turn of the year.

– Changing the office in Cracow is part of the company's strategic expansion plan in Poland and Europe. The decision to relocate was dictated by the desire to improve the comfort of the team's work by enlarging the area and improving the quality of the working environment – says Tomasz Skwara, board member of Danieli Wean United Engineering Polska. When choosing the location, we were also guided by the possibility of closer cooperation with the AGH University in Cracow – says Dominika Filarowska, board member of Danieli Wean United Engineering Polska. 

The Danieli company has been developing international operations in the metallurgical industry for over a hundred years. Its development history leads from a family business founded in Buttrio in northern Italy to the creation of a global technology concern employing approximately 9,000 people. The concern has design offices, representative branches and production workshops all over the world. The company's engineering and production centers are located, among others, in Italy, Austria, Germany, China, India, Thailand and Vietnam.

The Danieli Group offers cutting-edge technologies and solutions in the field of steel production processes, from raw materials to the finished product. An international team of designers/mechanical engineers is involved in projects extending from design ideas to the implementation of comprehensive production solutions. The company creates and implements visionary ideas in accordance with the customer needs. The company's knowledge and experience includes hundreds of investments carried out in all corners of the world. The group follows contemporary trends in green technology and ecological solutions.

The company has been operating in Poland since 2000, when the first design office of Danieli Wean United Engineering was opened in Wroclaw. Then branches were established in Katowice and Cracow. Currently, DWU Engineering Polska as a daughter company of the Danieli Group, employs over 80 qualified designers: automation specialists and mechanics, developing designs of precise machines and devices for industrial lines in the steel, aluminum and non-ferrous metals industries.

– We supported Danieli Wean United Engineering Polska in the process of changing the office of the company's Cracow branch. Comprehensive consulting services included negotiation of lease agreement provisions, business conditions and support in the rearrangement of space. The motivation to change the address of the company's branch in Cracow was primarily to improve the location of the office and the quality of work space - says Kamil Kowalewski, Associate Director at Walter Herz.

Korona Office Complex is a class A office center, located in the central part of Cracow, consisting of 4 buildings - Galileo, Newton, Edison and Pascal with a total area of over 38 thousand sq m. GTC's property was designed in accordance with the principles of sustainable urban planning. It creates friendly public spaces and offers numerous amenities for tenants and the local community.

– We are very pleased that Danieli Wean United Engineering Polska has trusted us and is joining the group of our tenants. Korona Office Complex includes a number of amenities and has excellent location. At GTC, we make every effort to provide our tenants with the best working conditions and further expansion. We hope that the office will meet the expectations of Danieli Wean United Engineering's employees, and the new headquarters will contribute to the development of the company's Cracow branch – says Agnieszka Kuehn, senior leasing manager at GTC in Poland.

Korona Office Complex is one of the most modern office facilities in the capital of Lesser Poland. It provides a wide range of services and recreation, including a conference center, gym, restaurant, cafe, salt cave, yoga center, and a green recreational zone around the buildings. This is a great place for fans of sports and active recreation. Tenants have above-ground and underground parking spaces along with extensive infrastructure for cyclists at their disposal. The facility has BREEAM IN USE EXCELLENT and BUILDING WITHOUT BARRIERS certificates.

AGH University, Cracow University of Technology, University of the National Education Commission, hotels, restaurants and Błonia Park are situated in the area. The location allows easy access to other districts of the city, both by public and private transport. It takes less than 10 minutes by car to reach Kraków Główny railway station, and about 15 minutes to get to Kraków Airport and the A4 motorway.

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Źródło informacji: Prestige PR
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