Komunikaty PR

Oxygen Park welcomes Parker Hannifin

2021-08-31  |  09:11
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Parker Hannifin, a global leader in motion and control technologies, has joined Oxygen Park as a tenant. The company has leased 712 sqm. of spacious modern premises located in the Warsaw office complex of o Golden Star Group.

Parker Hannifin is the world’s leading manufacturer of motion and control technologies, providing engineering solutions for wide range of diversified industrial and aerospace markets. With over 100 years of tradition, the company currently offers more than 3000 product line, manufactured in 320 factories, and is present in 55 countries around the world. Parker Hannifin has been listed on the Fortune 250 for half a century and is one of the few companies that has paid dividends to its shareholders for 65 consecutive fiscal year, amonth the top five longest-running dividend-increase records in the S&P 500 index. Parker Hannifin has been present in Poland since 1992. Apart from sales office in Warsaw, Parker Hannifin has European Shared Service Centre in Wrocław and two manufacturing operations in Wrocław and Siechnice .

‘We are very pleased with the agreement signed with Parker Hannifin. Our team is  proud that such a recognizable, global brand with great traditions has joined Oxygen Park and preferred our project. At thesame time, it is the best confirmation of Oxygen Park amenities that the users of the complex benefit from every day. I am confident that the employees and guests and business partners of Parker Hannifin will feel perfectly well at Oxygen Park, and the creative working environment will translate into further business successes of the company,’ said Katarzyna Pankiewicz, Senior Leasing Manager at Golden Star Group.

Parker Hannifin office at Oxygen Park will be arranged on 712 sqm. of modern space, located on the 4th floor of Building A. The agreement has been signed for 5 years. The tenant was represented by CBRE in the negotiation process.

For our client, we were looking for an office that would meet the needs of its employees, creating a comfortable working environment. We found a suitable space in Oxygen Park. This office building not only meets the requirements of Parker Hannifin, but is also located in an area well known to its employees – it is close to the previous headquarters of the company. I believe this can facilitate the process of change and adaptation to the new workplace. The choice of a new office was also conditioned by the simultaneous sale of the client’s property in which the previous headquarters were located, which meant we worked under time pressure. I am therefore particularly pleased that the transaction was successful,’ said Joanna Andryszczyk, Senior Consultant, Office Agency, CBRE.

Oxygen Park is a modern office complex, located directly on Aleje Jerozolimskie in Warsaw’s business district. The project consists of two six-storey buildings with a total leasable area of over 18,000 sqm. The fully glazed façade guarantees maximum access to daylight, while tilt windows enable ventilation of the rooms. The layout of each floor allows for the introduction of flexible office solutions tailored to the needs of even the most demanding tenants. Environmentally friendly solutions applied in the complex have been confirmed with a BREEAM certificate at the “Very Good” level.

Apart from top quality office space, tenants of Oxygen Park will also have at their disposal a green patio with a chillout zone and retail and service outlets, including a canteen and a bakery. The complex also features 162 parking spaces in the underground garage, bicycle racks and locker rooms with showers.

The advantage of Oxygen Park is its location. The complex can be conveniently reached from any place in Warsaw and its surroundings – both by car and by public transport, including Warsaw Commuter Railway (WKD) (proximity of the “WKD Raków” railway station). The convenient location of the buildings ensures efficient communication with the city centre, while a transfer to Warsaw Chopin Airport takes only several minutes by car. An additional advantage is the proximity of several shopping malls, including: Reduta and Blue City as well as Leclerc and Makro supermarkets.

The architectural design of Oxygen Park was created by the renowned studio JEMS Architekci. The project was delivered for use in 2013. The tenants of the complex, apart from Parker Hannifin comprise, among others: Galec, Agfa, Saria, Sodexo and Szawa Conference.

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