Komunikaty PR

Real Management selects Bremer as general contractor of Good Point V

2023-11-27  |  09:30
Biuro prasowe

Bremer Sp. z o.o. has been selected by Real Management S.A. as the general contractor for the modern production and industrial park Good Point V. The project comprises three buildings in the complex with a total warehouse area of 30,000 m2. The park will be in Łubna, which is well connected to Warsaw (via ul. Puławska) due to the proximity of state road no. 79 and the interchange in Góra Kalwaria.

Construction of the production and industrial park Good Point V is scheduled to begin in late November 2023. The first tenants of warehouse and office space, which include companies such as Dr Irena Eris S.A., one of Poland’s leading cosmetics manufacturers, and OEX Fulfilio Sp. z o.o., a company specializing in logistics services for the e-commerce sector, loyalty programmes and POS materials, will move into Good Point V as early as Q3 2024. The entire production and industrial park is scheduled for completion in Q1 2025.

“We are very pleased to hire Bremer as the general contractor for our new development, Good Point V,” said Sebastian Perkowski, Contract Director at Real Management S.A. “We chose Bremer due to its many years of experience and established reputation.”

According to Ewa Śmigielska, VP of Real Management S.A. responsible for preparing development and construction projects: “Our shared goal and vision for sustainable development was equally important to us. Bremer is a company with extensive experience and competence in implementing ESG-compliant projects. We want Good Point V not only to be a modern production and industrial complex, but also to set an example in the area of sustainability and corporate social responsibility. Good Point V is the latest development project by Real Management S.A. which at the preparation stage is already in high demand among prospective tenants. Currently, more than 80% of the available space is already let.”

The complex has been designed with ESG principles in mind, and meets the highest quality and safety standards. Real Management has also prepared a Green Standard for Warehouse Buildings to complement its ESG strategy. The Good Point V site features vast green areas, which is a rarity for production and industrial parks. In addition, the complex has two clay pit ponds that make the whole area even more attractive. The developer plans to arrange a leisure area for the warehouse employees within the Good Point V site. Good Point V has been designed in accordance with sustainability and green building principles, and will be BREEAM certified at the Excellent level.

Tomasz Wrona, Commercial Director of Bremer Sp. z o.o., commented: “We appreciate Real Management’s openness and willingness to implement innovative solutions contributing to environmental protection. We would like to express our gratitude for your confidence in our experience and skills by entrusting us with the key role of general contractor for the Good Point V project in Łubna. This is an honour and a commitment for us. We are pleased to be part of a project that pushes the boundaries of standard business operations and points the way to sustainable, green development.”

In the negotiation process, Real Management S.A. was supported by attorney-at-law Anna Glinka, representing the company’s in-house legal department. She was also in charge of drafting the agreement.

About Real Management S.A.

Real Management S.A. is a rapidly growing development company established in 2002. The company’s business focuses on the manufacturing, industrial and residential property sectors. Innovation and effective management are factors enabling the company to continuously grow and expand in the real property sector. Since its inception, Real Management S.A. has completed commercial and residential projects totalling 265,000 m2. These include the Bolero Office Park complex, the premium single-family housing estates Rezydencje Pałacowa and Rezydencje Chojnów, the Good Point logistics and industrial centres, and the Przyczółkowa Vis a Vis and Point.44 convenience parks.

In line with its strategic goals for the next four years, Real Management S.A. plans to develop a further 500,000 m2 of modern logistics and industrial space under the Good Point brand and 44,000 m2 of residential space in Warsaw as part of the Neo Natolin premium single-family housing development.

Real Management S.A. is a member of the Polish Association of Developers.

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