The Infinity office building rises above the ground
According to the schedule, in the half of April the construction of the three-storey underground part of the Infinity office building, which is being built at the John Paul II Square in Wrocław, was completed. The building, whose developer is Avestus Real Estate, will offer a total of 21,000 sqm. of leasable area and will be ready to receive tenants in Q1 2023.
The construction of Infinity commenced in March 2021. A little more than a year later, that is in April 2022, the general contractor of the investment project, Eiffage Polska Budownictwo, completed the construction of the three-storey underground part of the office building. At present, the overground part of the structure is being built on the ground level. On the other hand, masonry work is in progress on the underground levels; additionally, finishing works has begun.
‘The moment when a building comes out of the ground and is rising up is eagerly awaited by every developer. It is from this point that the rapid pace of the construction process becomes noticeable to all observers. In line with our assumptions, approximately every six weeks another storey of Infinity will be erected, and, in less than 7 months, the whole, over 29-metre high office building will be ready. Parallel to the construction works, we are engaged in intensive efforts to commercialize Infinity. We have already concluded agreements with the first tenants, which we will soon be able to announce officially. We strongly believe in the Wrocław office market and its future development. The potential of this market is also appreciated by the companies with which we are negotiating the leasing of space in Infinity,’ said Mariusz Frąckiewicz, Director Poland at Avestus Real Estate.
The Infinity office complex under construction at the John Paul II Square in Wrocław is an investment project executed by Avestus Real Estate in cooperation with its business partner, Alchemy Properties. The office building in Wrocław is the first investment project of this South African company in Europe. Infinity will be a seven-storey class A office building offering, among others, 18,727 sqm. of office space, 1,561 sqm. of retail space and a three-level underground car park with 311 parking spaces. With cyclists in mind, 120 bicycle stands will be provided in a closed-off zone including changing rooms and showers. The office building will hold a BREEAM certificate at Excellent level.
The Infinity office building, apart from its unique and very distinctive architecture, will also feature state-of-the-art technologies. Touchless solutions and the highest quality air filters will guarantee the safety and comfort of its users.
Infinity will also have an impressive lobby with dedicated areas for visitors to the building. On the roof of the office building there will be spacious terraces with landscaping elements and greenery. The architectural design of Infinity was developed by AD Studio and the general contractor is Eiffage Polska Budownictwo. JLL consulting agency is responsible for the commercialization of the building. The investment is scheduled to be fully completed in Q1 2023.

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