Komunikaty PR

Walter Herz is moving its headquarters to WTT

2023-12-12  |  01:00
Biuro prasowe
Iwona Wiśniewska - Lopez
Prestige PR

Włodarzewska 81C lok 81
02-393 Warszawa
i.wisniewska|prestigepr.pl| |i.wisniewska|prestigepr.pl
508 927 958

Walter Herz company, which has been providing comprehensive consulting services in the commercial real estate sector in Poland for 11 years, has chosen Warsaw Trade Tower as its new headquarters.

The company moved to Globalworth's WTT office complex, located at Chłodna Street in Warsaw.

The main determinants in the design of the new Walter Herz headquarters were the aspects that create the value of the organization and the selection of spatial and technological solutions that favor the quality of work. The new office is closely adapted to the current work profile of the team, who now has three conference rooms, a podcast room, and a comfortable auditorium for meetings at their disposal. The team will use a space with soft sofas and comfortable armchairs, which creates ideal conditions for meetings in a large group.

– We have plenty of opportunities for meetings, integration, training and celebrating events, so we wanted to create a place that would enable team meetings in comfortable conditions. The office rooms offer the latest equipment for video conversations with clients and partners. In the process of relocating the headquarters, we used our qualifications in the field of preparing workplace strategy, cost optimization and implementing the principles of sustainable development. When deciding on the location, we were guided by ESG standards - says Mateusz Strzelecki, Partner and Head of Tenant Representation at Walter Herz.

–We decided on natural, wooden elements that dominate the interior design. In line with the biophilic design concept, our new workplace is filled with lots of greenery, which improves air quality and at the same time warms up the space. In order to reduce the negative impact on the environment, we decided to recycle some of the furniture and reuse it in the new office. Ecological solutions also include, among others, LED lighting – says Magdalena Zagrodnik, Head of HR & Business Partner at Walter Herz.

Walter Herz is a market-leading Polish entity operating in the commercial real estate sector. The company advises investors, property owners and tenants from both private and public sectors across Poland. It supports clients in finding and leasing office space and provides consulting services in the implementation of investment projects on the warehouse, office, retail and hotel markets.

The company is based in Warsaw and operates regional branches in Cracow and the Tri-City. Walter Herz is the founder of Tenant Academy, the first project in Poland that supports and educates tenants of commercial space from all over the country by organizing specialized training meetings.

Walter Herz was supported by a number of consulting companies in the office relocation process. Krzysztof Marszałek from Ilnedro was responsible for managing the project. Architect Magdalena Majerowska-Pukacz is the author of the interior design concept for the company's new office. The fit out was carried out by Neo-Świat, and the relocation was handled by Relo Partner. Legal advice was provided by the Decisive Group law firm, and technical and audiovisual support was provided by Brill AV Media.

– We accepted the decision of Walter Herz to relocate its headquarters to the Warsaw Trade Tower with great satisfaction. We are pleased that the company decided to join the group of our tenants. We make every effort to provide building users with the best conditions for development and an attractive offer of services and amenities. Our flagship Warsaw office project enjoys great interest from tenants and with each subsequent signed contract it confirms its potential on the Warsaw office market. The building's great advantage is its location, as well as spacious and comfortable offices and numerous amenities for employees, which will create ideal working conditions for the new tenant. I am convinced that the new headquarters will contribute to the increase in the efficiency of Walter Hertz operations. – says Anna Korwin-Kulesza, Asset Management & Leasing Director – Central & Northern Poland at Globalworth.

Warsaw Trade Tower is a prestigious office building located at Chłodna Street in the central part of Warsaw. Thanks to its characteristic shape, the 208-meter high-rise building has become one of the city's icons. Located near the intersection of Towarowa Street and Al. Solidarności Street, the 46-storey building stands out against the city skyline. Until its completion, Varso Tower was the tallest office building in the capital, and currently it is the fourth tallest building in Poland.

WTT offers over 46 thousand sq m. of space and over 400 underground parking spaces. The building's exclusive lobby is 6-storey high. The property includes, among others: canteen, fitness club, cafe and service and retail units. Tenants also have extensive infrastructure for cyclists at their disposal. The building's location provides direct access to all means of public transport. In the vicinity of WTT there are restaurants and numerous shops, service points and elegant hotels.


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Źródło informacji: Prestige PR
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